Updated: 10/21/02; 12:22:45 AM.

activeRenderer vs 1.2.1 Released

Features OPML inclusion - a step towards transclusion

© copyright 2002
by Marc Barrot

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Thursday, June 20, 2002

30 days to a more accessible weblog
If you're not already hooked by Mark Pilgrim's series, you're definitely missing something. I was... but no longer :-)

1:48:40 PM  Permalink  comments:   Google It!  

activeRenderer Beta 7 Release Notes

The activeRenderer beta team currently is 23 members strong, and sending me great feedback. You're welcome to join, just send me a note email..

Here are the modifications in the latest beta release, taking into account the feedback of version 1.0 beta 6:

  1. The tool's name and current version are now displayed in the sidebar of your local weblog home page, in the Status Center section.
  2. Clicking on the activeRenderer Tool link in there takes you to the tool's preferences page. You can still access the same page from the Radio application, using the Tools / activeRenderer / Preferences... menu.
  3. The Publish weblog outline style preference is now split in two, to accomodate bloggers who do not use titles in their posts (even though I think they should - Heads, decks, and leads, remember ?)
  4. I've clarified the Preferences page by using some outline features, to get the whole picture, expand all the "active" nodes.
  5. The Prefs page links to an online activeHelp. I'm a great believer in clear online documentation, and I've noticed a good deal of confusion among beta testers about activeRenderer's set of features. So here's a first try at making things simpler. The Help page is also accessible from Radio, though the Tools / activeRenderer / Help... menu.
  6. I've included an optimized version of the opmlRender macro in activeRenderer. It can be inserted in your weblog's home template to manage parts of the home page - sidebars, blogrolls, etc. - as separate outline files.
activeRenderer beta 8 will include the code to access the tools registration service set up by Paolo and his eVectors crew.

Beta 9 will fine tune the tool update code, and add update logging in Radio's events log.

activeRenderer 1.0 should be out shortly after that, once I've got the feedback from beta 9.

11:05:00 AM  Permalink  comments:   Google It!  

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