In a comment to my previous tutorial on liveTopics features, Blaine Wishart asks pointedly how I can explain the difference between the left sidebar on s l a m's home page and the same sidebar on the archive page for Sept. 30th (the day of its publication).
Well Blaine, I reckon it is a bit confusing, yet the explanation is real simple.
You see, the #homeTemplate.txt stored directly in the www folder of my Radio installation *does* include the call to the liveTopics macro as I showed:
<%liveTopicsHotButtons( howMany:50, flDisplayInColumn:true )%>
This is the template directly responsible for the layout of
s l a m's home page.
But the archived pages are stored in a different folder hierarchy within the www folder. The file rendered as the Sept. 30th archive is stored in the 09 subfolder of the 2002 folder.
It just so happens that this 09 folder has a different version of the #homeTemplate.txt file, one without the call to the liveTopics macro.
By default, the month and year folders do not include any template files, so the rendering is done using the *top* template in www.
But I repost the content of my site once in a while, specially when I crash my Radio installation after tinkering a little too far with UserLand's code.
If I didn't archive the templates about once a month in the months folders, all my archived pages would have the latest layout when I repost them.
I'd rather keep their original layout, hence the monthly templates duplication from the current ones in www. This is all manual btw, no Frontier tools involved :-)