Here is a taste of the new activeRenderer 1.4 with RSS rendering: I've rendered Dave Winer's, Jon Udell's and my own RSS feeds as a proof of concept.
I'm building the new rendering code into a Usertalk macro, to be placed into Radio templates. This way, a Radio weblog will be able to display several different newsfeeds in addition to the blog itself on the public site.
In the examples above, the macros would look like:
<%activeNews ( rss:DaveStr, flDisplayChannelTitle:true, itemCnt:6, expandedCnt:3 )%>
<%activeNews ( rss:JonStr, flDisplayChannelTitle:true, itemCnt:4, flCreateHeader:true )%>
<%activeNews ( rss:MarcStr, flDisplayChannelTitle:true, flCollapseChannelTitle:true, itemCnt:6, flCreateHeader:true )%>
The rendering code will also be reachable via XML-RPC, SOAP, and straight URL parsing. This way, I intend to at last provide RSS inclusion in OPML outline rendering.