Adventures in Technology
Notes, Experiences, Thoughts, etc. regarding technology.


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  Wednesday, September 24, 2003

TiVo Therapy
Hilarious piece by Joshua Allen in The Morning News on seeking therapy as a result of TiVo.

Speaking as someone who has a very active relationship with TiVo and regularly sees a shrink, the article is priceless. This exchange between Joshua and his therapist is deadly funny:

‘It [TiVo] plants this seed in your head. This idea that you can make anything your own, no matter how prepackaged or limited or controlled. It’s all just a matter of transferring it – quickly and efficiently – to a new realm that’s completely separate from the source.’

‘And you’re applying this technique to other aspects of your life.’ The motions she’s making with her pen look less and less like writing.

‘To all aspects,’ I say, glancing at her over my shoulder. ‘As an example, I taped last week’s session with you.’

‘With the TiVo.’

‘With a pocket-sized audiocassette recorder. I then hurried home, transferred that recording to my computer, and re-edited it so our conversation went more to my liking.’

‘I see,’ my therapist said. (In the revised version she will say: ‘You astound me.’) ‘And does your re-edit conclude with some sort of complicated sexual encounter?’

‘Complicated, no. There was an elegant minimalism about it.’

8:10:46 PM    comment []

Geek Eye for the Luddites
Hilarious geek take-off in Fortune on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy:
The experiment: Let loose three tech experts in an average family's home. The result: gizmo nirvana (well, almost).
Speaking as a geek (and as a member of that very rare geek subspecies - girl geek), it is much easier to pass on fashion tips than to outfit a home with working tech gear.
For three days the Fab Three took over the Burkes' home. And at the end, it was nearing digital nirvana. But, O, Fortuna! It is not so easy being geek.

7:59:20 PM    comment []

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