Monday, June 17, 2002

I'm a little late on this one, but welcome aboard Brian Graf! Brian joins our little (but growing steadily) .NET community with his System.Error.Emit weblog. Rss subscribed!

10:36:56 PM    

Inside ASP.NET WebMatrix: Wrox wastes no time in releasing (online, free) a book full of screenshots of ASP.NET WebMatrix... [Peter Drayton's Radio Weblog]

9:23:48 PM    

SVG.NET Viewer. Fixed some of the missing stuff and made a few bugfixes tonight. The viewer now passes the following tests in the SVG test suite:some structure testsmost coordinate system, transformation and units testsall paths testsall basic shapes testa few color testshey, it's slowly getting there. A few more things and it's ready for a 0.1 release. [protocol7]

Woah, is this exactly what it sounds like... an SVG viewer written in .NET? I searched the rest of the protocol7 site, but could not find anymore details about the project.

7:32:24 PM    

I'm either the first or the last one to notice - TPFKAS (The Project Formerly Known As Saturn) has been released some days ago:

New! Free ASP.NET Web Development Tool

The Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Project is now available as a free download. Web Matrix is a community-supported, easy-to-use development tool for building ASP.NET Web applications.   Download and learn about ASP.NET Web Matrix today! [Ingo Rammer's DotNetCentric]

Cool, congrats to the team! Here's a direct link to some geek stats for the project.

6:22:55 PM    

Can someone explain to me what this guy's talking about? C# may not have background compilation like VB.NET does, but we sure do have intellisense. I have no such problems with intellisense here.

4:53:00 PM    

I needed to profile some code last night and was surprised to discover that profiling is not supported by VS.NET. A quick search on Google brought up the Compuware profiler. The "Community Edition" is a free download and seems to work well. It integrates with VS.NET and is easy to use (screenshot). [Cook Computing]

There's another really nice one that I know of called AQTime. You can download and try the Enterprise Edition free for thirty days. After that it's $349 for standard edition ($229 if you were a AQTime v2 user) and $599 for enterprise edition. A bit pricy for the individual perhaps, but for a corporation that should be reasonable.

2:01:11 PM    

Noticed an excellent article on the .NET section of the MSDN site that never made it to the front page: Programming the Thread Pool in the .NET Framework

10:50:13 AM    

Radio generates RSS 0.92 not 0.91, here's the spec [Simon Fell]

*slaps forehead*

Thanks Simon, that explains everything. Man... sometimes when you look at code for too long you just lose it. There it is staring me right in the face: version="0.92". You'd think I'd notice that and go look up the 0.92 spec instead. *sigh* It's obviously time for bed, g'night.

BTW, I was notified of this post by BlogToaster... it rocks, good work! ;)

1:55:44 AM    

Aggie in SourceForge. I have been approved and Aggie is now being hosted on SourceForge. Please stop by and submit a patch, submit a feature request, submit a bug report, pull the latest sources from cvs, etc. I have tried to add all the bugs and enhancement requests I have seen to date. Please stop by and make sure I haven't missed anything. [BitWorking]

12:10:14 AM