Friday, October 18, 2002

Boeing Bird of Prey Stealth Fighter [Slashdot]

Two words: bad ass. If this was designed in the 90's and is just being announced publicly now, can you imagine what kind of technology they have under top secret wraps these days?

4:50:30 PM    
Floor Vacuum Robot for $200 [Slashdot]

Alright, this thing totally rules. Call me lazy, but I really hate sweeping. I have two cats, one of which is a Persian (long hair!), and you can't even begin to imagine how much hair ends up on the floor in a one week timespan. Not to mention my floors are all wooden, so I end up with the cat hair equivalent of tumble weeds blowing across the room if I open a window. I actually wonder if this thing could even handle it. :)

3:33:25 PM    

Tomas posted some interesting details on his dissection of the Regsvcs.exe tool supplied with the .NET Framework. He reveals that the executable is little more than a façade for built in framework classes which perform typelibrary generation and handle various forms of registration. Very useful stuff to know, especially if you ever wanted to control some of this process yourself.

12:44:38 PM