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Permanent link: Sunday, August 01, 2004 Sunday, August 01, 2004

Compiling a service in Radio after a 301

I was having an error for the longest time with the viewRssBox on the right of my Radio site, but until now couldn't be bothered to look at it. I was actually taking out the blogroll but commented the wrong thing by mistake. In the debugging process I discovered a weird interaction with caching and 301 URLs.

An HTTP asside: 301 is the HTTP numeric response for "Permanently  Moved". It is an indication that you should never use this URL in the future but instead always go directly to the refered URL. I had been refering to my LiveJournal RSS as "htttp://", which will 301 to "".

In Radio Userland, xml.rss.readService caches the RSS that it reads as a table at @user.xml.rss.cache.[url]. Somewhere along the line there's confusion about that URL as the 301 changes it from one to the other. What I think is happening is that in xml.rss.readService where redirectInfo is checked the table.rename to the new URL fails because the table from the last time in still there in the cache. readService probably worked the first time and only failed from the second on.

I have correctly chaned the URL to that refered to by the 301, like a good little automaton, but that table.rename ought to be dealt with as well.

8:24:52 PM  Permanent link   Categories: Radio

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radaR's LiveJournal 8/30/2004
BulletGeek gamers rejoice.

Finally, a hot chick they can score with.

Video game vampire to go topless in October Playboy

Ernest Miller sez, "Videogame character BloodRayne (a red-headed
'Dhampir' who hunts supernatural baddies for the 'Brimstone Society')
will be topless in October's Playboy. According to her creators, 'This
is a first in videogame history and trust us when we say that Rayne
does not disappoint.'"

(Thanks, Ernest!)

[Boing Boing]

BulletKeeping America Safe from wireless internet. AKMA gets hassled by the man:

So Weirdly Wrong: And I walked back to the studio, dumbfounded that someone just rousted
me for picking an open wireless signal in public — indeed (as it turns
out) for using a laptop within a wireless signal’s range of the
library. Weird.

We should all be glad that the local contstabulary are able to
invent federal laws at a moments notice to save us from the scourge of
freely available internet access. However, those godless commie
librarians seem to have gotten off scott free.


BulletKeeping America Safe from Ted Kennedy.

Ted Kennedy's name is similar to an alias of some "evil doer". Proof that this list only catches the innocent is left as an exercise for the reader.

If Senators are allowed to roam freely about the country, then the terrorists have already won!

Reuters. Kennedy
-- one of the most recognizable figures in American politics -- told a
Senate committee hearing on Thursday he had been blocked several times
from boarding commercial airline flights because his name was on a
"no-fly" list intended to exclude potential terrorists
. [John Robb's Weblog]

BulletAny sufficiently nice person is indistinguishable from someone who likes you.

Yet again, I find I have underestimated just how deep into pathetic
geekdom I am when confronted by others of the species. We're pointed
that this damning refelction by Joey de Villa, an actual example of the
cool geek that the rest of us pretend that we could possibly be but
really can't.

I don't know how I ended up looking at a page in Everything2 (imagine a less academic Wikipedia written by LiveJournalers), but someone has come up with a geek lament treatment of the Clarke Axiom:


Bulletfun Fun FUN. Whee... isn't working late fun?

Someone bring be some dinner, okay? By