Updated: 1/8/2003; 3:02:40 AM.
Web Services
About Web Services standards, advances and usage

Monday, December 02, 2002

Why doesn't REST have an object encoding by by Paul Prescod

The Web is very analogous to a file system. This is especially true if you use WebDAV. What file system have you ever heard of that has a "standard" file format (beyond text/plain)? REST is a mechanism for manipulating data. There is no "right" object encoding for data in general.


2:51:05 PM    comment []

Dot-Net love child.

Andy Oliver is on a frightening roll with his latest rants. Looks like it all started after Andy spent some time playing with Mono, a GPL licensed implementation of Microsoft's C# language and Common Language Runtime. Since then Andy has said that Dot-Net is awesome, Sun doesn't have any balls, and the best way for a Java programmer to help Java is to learn Dot-Net. He has also suggested that Microsoft and Apache hook up because of their joint love of money and BSD. This guy is a dyed-in-the-wool Linux and Java nut. What the hell happened?

Maybe it did not start with Mono. Perhaps something happened at ApacheCon. You know, Comdex was also in town and Microsoft certainly had a presence there. You remember that Andy got very sick with some kind of stomach bug? I think some Rosemary's Baby-like incident occured out there and now Andy is carrying the spawn of Redmond in his belly. He's got the beast in his belly. [Blogging Roller]

.NET and java are both interesting: why chose :-)

It is in the interest of commercial entities to keep us programmers in religious sects because it helps them predit their future year's cash flow.

But our interest is in producing software, satisfying the requirements of many stakeholders, including us.

One of my requirements is my own pleasure creating the software, which involves its aesthetics, development environment and tools, learning new concepts, experiementing with new stuff.

My main environment today is java, but I like Perl and Javascript, and what I've read about C# and .NET is pretty good. When we build our software using loosely coupled architectures based on web services standards, we'll be able to pick and chose the language of components based on the task at hand and other criteria.

Since writing this entry I've read Andy's recent posts and they sound real good to me, very well in the spirit of what I expressed above:

Don't get me wrong, Microsoft is morally repugnant...The trick is, Sun isn't any better. Be your own man don't get so religious about technology that you're just a pawn in their game.

You should also talk to your buddy Sam about .NET.

Always take a critical view of the technologies you use most. Always look for something better. At least thats how I've made my career....Maybe your experience has been otherwise. ;-)

Refuse the religious attitude towards technology, evaluate technologies based on their merits in solving your problems, and as a programmer, always look for something better: this is something I already talked about in a previous discussion with Russel Beattie (Java vs .NET: let's fight FUD with technical excellence).

12:37:46 PM    comment []

ADO.NET DataSets.

Thomas Wagner has some interesting things to say about ADO.NET DataSets. I recall there was a long and drawn out discussion on the DM DOTNET list about the performance of using DataReaders vs. DataSets, the end result of which was that Microsoft's admonishment to always use DataSets is bullshit.


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[The .NET Guy]
12:15:36 PM    comment []

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