19 March 2003 |
The Progress Bar in North London has installed a wireless hub that lets people send their pictures to a large screen so everyone in the pub can see what they have been snapping.
But, instead, why not use the hub to let you send orders through to the bar (or via wap on your camphones)? Big repeat-orders guaranteed, particularly if it remembered your table's round.
8:20:34 PM
Close analysis of Columbia investigation, its reasoning and presentation. Reminiscent of Tufte and Feynman on Challenger.
[via Robotwisdom]
8:16:52 PM
The metaphors being used to tell the story of Gulf War 2:
Nation-As-Person (Saddam = Iraq), Self-Defence (Saddam = Al Qaeda), and Rescue (Saddam = oppressor of his people and neighbouring states).
Presumably, then, GWB: France != Our Friend
[via Robotwisdom]
8:11:22 PM
The U.S. military's superior technology is generally seen as one of its greatest weapons on the battlefield. But some military experts say a dependence on gadgetry exposes forces to low-tech attacks: "Any capability leads to a parallel vulnerability".
8:05:50 PM
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