Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Where Is Sam?

The sun goes down later now, late enough that there isn't any rush after a run by the lake. Lots of runners just hang around by the bridge and leisurely stretch or talk or relax.

There was quite a crowd there this evening when a woman walking alone came up with a desperate look on her face. She glanced around from runner to runner.

Does anyone have a cell phone? she asked loudly.

She didn't get a response. There is so much going on in the evening there that someone walking up and yelling out loud isn't much cause for notice.

Does anyone have a cell phone? I've lost my son. She barely got the last word out.

A dozen sweaty people walked up. One handed her his phone. Others asked his age, his name, the color of his hair and clothes. She could barely get the answers out.

We're not even from here. We were at the Hyatt and I said we should go for a walk. And now I can't find him.

Some runners went back toward town to look. I ran across the bridge and toward the park. The sun was going down. Although the day had been warm, it was windy and the temperatures were dropping. I ran down to the soccer fields, to the wisteria gazebo on the point. There was no sign of a 12 year old boy. I ran back.

When I got there, there was still no sign of the boy. His mother was still in tears, but now some police were there with her. I told them where I had been and that I didn't see him.

She had tears in her eyes. I gently touched her arm. This is a friendly town, I said. He's safe. You'll find him.

They did.

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