Sunday, May 2, 2004

Here We Sit

There are big rocks at the bottom of the pool. You can see them clearly, although the water is deep. Thru the greenish tint of the flowing water, you can see the rocks sitting on the bottom of the pool.

There is water flowing over the rocks. Not as cold as it sometimes is. Not as cold as one might think it would be, given how cold it was yesterday. It falls in foaming white over the limestone ledges upstream, but here it is deep and flows slowly over those rocks.

There is a boy swimming in the water. He didn't bring a swimsuit with, so he is swimming in his jeans. His long hair hangs in brown curls over his forehead. His long arms reach to pull him across the pool.

And beyond the boy in the pool, a limestone bluff stands at the water's edge. Covered in oaks and elms and juniper and agarita and persimmon and moss and fern, it shoots up from where the rocks and waters meet at its feet and climbs straight to the sky.

And in the blue sky, a hawk is turning in wide circles, climbing higher with every turn. And although the sun has not yet peeked over the canyon's edge, once per turn the bright light of it sets the hawk's tail feathers ablaze.

So here we sit, you and I, under a blue springtime sky with hawks turning and swallows darting and canyon birds calling and a cool breeze rolling over us. Here we sit, staring up at the cliff and listening to the sound of the falls upstream. Here we sit, watching that boy swim and watching that flowing water slowly pass over those big rocks at the bottom of the pool.

Here we sit.

Gus Fruh Park, Barton Creek Greenbelt, Austin TX

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