Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Sliver of Night

A sliver of night was in the sky. I saw it sinking into the trees with black sky above me and deep indigo in the west. The thin crescent moon was about to set.

Day was done.

I saw that thin sliver of white and beside it a round globe of dark grey. If I had been up there looking back here, I would have seen a full blue earth staring down from the top of the sky.

Gone the sun.

But no one was there. There was silence. There was darkness. And on that night the full earth would have thrown down a dim light on the grey lunar dirt.

From the lake, from the hills, from the sky.

I saw that thin sliver sinking into the trees. And from here, so many miles away, I saw the dim reflected glow of the earth-lit dust on the dark side of the moon.

I do not say this lightly, but in moments like that, God is surely nigh.

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