Wednesday, May 25, 2005

They So Know About You

He must have felt a slight tremor in the force or something like that when I walked into the gym, because as I stepped thru the doorway Ben immediately turned and looked at me and smiled.

He had his trombone in his hand. Four other trombone players surrounded him. Five trumpets behind. Six saxophones arrayed in front. And the lead and bass guitars. And the drummer. And the piano.

He turned and smiled and then looked back at their director who started the bass and guitar and then the drummer.

Wipe Out!

As the drummer pounded away, people filed into the gymnasium. I found a seat in the middle, near the top. And the band moved from one song to another.

Zoot Suit Riot!

Their sound filled the room. The trumpets belted out a wall of high notes but held back when they needed to. The saxophones sounded perfect. And the trombones, well I am the father of one of them, so my opinion isn't exactly objective.

Between one song and the next, Ben looked up to where I was sitting. I opened my mouth wide and waved with exaggerated desperation. He opened his mouth, smiled, and waved back. Greg, the trombonist sitting next to him, leaned over and said something to Ben, making them both laugh.

Later, Ben said, They so know about you. Greg said you always wave and you always stay around until the buses leave. I told him that my dad loves me.

Graduation ceremonies, Small Middle School, Austin TX

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