Monday, August 29, 2005

Keeping My Thoughts To Myself

1. Kids In The Trees

Ok man, settle down. Let the kids climb in the trees along the river just a little bit longer. Heck, grab the toddler and take him over there, too. You might even let your dress pants get dirty.

Let the kids play. Its afternoon. The day is over. Let the schedule slip. Stop yelling at them to come over, and just let 'em play.

2. Kids On The Hill

Ok lady, settle down. Let the kids roll down the hill along the river, under the trees, near the bridge while you all wait for the bats to come out. Let 'em burn up more energy. They'll sleep better tonite.

Let the kids play. Its afternoon. The day is over. It doesn't matter if they're loud. At least hang up your cell phone before you yell at them to be quiet.

3. Explanations

The two kids who were in the trees dash past me and run up the ramp to the paddle boat. People are sitting on the deck looking impatient. Clearly the boat is about to leave. The man must be right behind, running with the toddler in his arms.

I see what his rush was. But what about the lady with the cell phone?

Perhaps it's best if I just keep my thoughts to myself.

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