Monday, February 13, 2006

Representative Democracy

They were discussing a word. One single word. It had been that kind of meeting, the kind you'd read about in a Dilbert strip.

"I like the word ambiance. It's a nice word for our Mission Statement."

"I like value. That's what we need more of."

"Cherish is good."

"So is flourish."

Now they were discussing charm. The consensus seemed to be to replace it, but someone in the front row objected to the proposed alternative.

The crowd wasn't particularly sympathetic. Perhaps it was the hour, or perhaps they were finally getting tired of word smithery. They seemed intent on sticking with the proposal.

"Well then let's have a vote!" the person in the front row said.


From the startled look in the crowd's eyes, you could see they were thinking about cigar smoke filled back rooms and wondering if this was some sort of tactical maneuver. There hadn't been any voting so far, so why now all of the sudden?

But vote they did. And with the call for hands, there wasn't any need to count. The objection was soundly defeated and the proposed alternative word chosen.

The objector graciously accepted the result but added, "That kind of shows you that we don't have a representative crowd here tonite."

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