Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nitrous Oxide

From the neon-lit waiting room, they lead me down the hall to a waiting chair. This isn't the hall for flossing and polishing. Down this hallway are the shiny needles and the spinning drills...

Nitrous oxide? I don't care.

So the assistant swabs my gums and passes several hypodermic needles to the dentist. Then they begin.

The drill whines. I can hear it in my jaw. I can hear it thru my forehead. I can hear it thru my teeth. Then, zing!, the drill hits a nerve. I grunt. My head jerks.

Did that hurt? I nod.

There is some shuffling and more working of needles, then more drilling, and then more zings. This goes back and forth several times. In spite of what seems like a dozen gum-numbing shots, whenever the dentist starts drilling, she hits a live nerve.

Nitrous oxide? Ok.

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