Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Reason to Smile

It was cold outside—raining- and drizzling-cold. But he had a small wrapped package to deliver. So he bundled up the dog and put on a coat and headed out into the drear of the day.

Some time later they returned: the dog happy to be back inside, the boy still holding the package in his hand. He wasn't able to figure out which house was hers.

After some cheesy-spicy soup, a few hours and a warm nap, he bundled up again. This time he rode his bike. He knew just where he was going, and he had need of speed.

It was a drive-by of sorts. I can imagine the delivery...

He got off his bike.
Walked to the porch.
Found an umbrella leaning against the wall.
Set the little package on top.
Inside, a dog started barking.
He turned and made for his bike.
Gone in a flash.

I don't know if she got his package or if it's still sitting there in the cold on the porch by her front door. I like to think that she opened the door and found it. That she saw her name written on the paper and unwrapped it. And that there in the warmth of her house, sheltered from the rain and the drizzle and the cold, that it made her smile.

May you have warmth and shelter from the cold. And may you find a reason to smile.

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