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mardi 23 mars 2004

The Institute of Physics of London has devised a mathematical formula to compute the maximum height of high-heels that someone can wear. The result can be seen in this news release, "Scientists calculate how high heels can go." The formula, h = Q.(12+3s/8), is quite simple, and integrates elements such as the number of alcohol *units* the high-heel wearer has taken or her number of years of experience. It even adds elements such as the time since the shoe was the height of fashion. The U.K. scientists said that a particular woman could wear 12.5 centimeters high-heel shoes when sober, but only 2 centimeters after consuming 6 units of alcohol (and don't ask me what is the unit, it's not said).

Here are more details about this magic formula.

h is the maximum height of the heel (in cm)
Q is a sociological factor and has a value between 0 and 1 (see below to work this out)
S is the shoe size (UK ladies sizes). This factor makes sure that the base of support is just good enough for an experienced and sober, high-heel wearer not to fall over.

So, what about the Q factor? It depends on several variables.

Q is defined as follows: Q = [ p.(y+9).L ] / [(t+1).(A+1).(y+10).(L+£20)]

p -- the probability that wearing the shoes will help you 'pull' (in a range from 0 to 1, where 1 is pwhooar and 0 is stick to carpet slippers). If the shoes are a turn-off, there's no point wearing them.
y -- the number of years experience you have in wearing high heels. As you become more adept, you can wear a higher heel. Beginners should take it easy.
L -- the cost of the shoes, in pounds. Clearly, if the shoe is particularly expensive, you can put up with a higher heel.
t -- the time since the shoe was the height of fashion, in months (0 = it's the 'in thing' right now!). One has to suffer for one's art, and if the shoes are terribly fashionable, you should be prepared to put up with a little pain.
A -- units of alcohol consumed. If you're planning on drinking, be careful to give yourself a little leeway for reduced coordination.

I'm now waiting for your suggestions for an adaptation of this formula to euros or US dollars.

But here is a final very funny quote.

Laura Grant, a physicist from Liverpool University welcomes the Institute's new formula commenting, "many of my physicist colleagues have no trouble understanding quantum mechanics but can't figure out how women can wear high heels. Now I can explain to them how I minimise the probability of tripping up".

Source: Institute of Physics of London, March 19, 2004, via EurekAlert!

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