Sunday, June 23, 2002

But something is still going on which very few people in the open source world really understand: a lot of very large public companies, with responsibilities to maximize shareholder value, are investing a lot of money in supporting open source software, usually by paying large teams of programmers to work on it. And that's what the principle of complements explains.[Joel On Software]

Joel's applied the economics to it, but it's been clear for a while that this is exactly what IBM is doing.  If I may be so bold, I'd call it "embrace and extend": embrace the Apache core components and extend them with your own pieces.  IBM's strategy has certainly been working, from what I can see.

In a engineering steering group meeting a couple months ago, shortly after my employer decided to go 100% J2EE for new development, I asked if they would take a position on what the allowable open source licenses were and whether developers would be allowed to contribute source back to projects.  I was told that this was interesting and would be investigated, and the next thing out of anyone's mouth was that we should start exploring patenting some of our inventions.  I think this is what is meant by the expression "talking past each other".  Joel's article reminds me that I need to stir this pot again.

9:51:42 PM  permalink Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. 

Meeting Ehud Lamm. As Ehud teaches CS at Uni, this time one more topic had to turn up: funniest excuses of students. [Ingo Rammer's DotNetCentric]

This is the subject of some scholarly research.  

5:43:52 PM  permalink Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. 

1/23/2003 Why XML?
8/13/2002 Resolution for IE and Windows problems
8/10/2002 Supporting VS.NET and NAnt
5/11/2002 When do you stop unit testing?
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