Thursday, August 28, 2003

A link to an article arguing states' rights with respect to the Judge Moore case on Richard Tallent's weblog got me thinking about the US Constitution, and while looking over a list of amendments, I ran into Amendment XXVII, passed in 1992. I had no clue that there was a 27th Amendment, and I don't remember hearing about this at all. It doesn't seem like much of an amendment: "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.", but still, you'd think you'd notice when the fundamental law of the land changes. It's happened only 3 times in my lifetime.
11:37:14 AM  permalink Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. 
<a href="">Richard Tallent</a> is going to love this: <a href="">US Republican Party outsources fund raising to India</a>. I wouldn't trust the source, but a Google search turns up a few other hits, including the <a href="">Business Standard</a>. I hope this isn't a hoax, it's just too delicious.
10:06:13 AM  permalink Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. 

1/23/2003 Why XML?
8/13/2002 Resolution for IE and Windows problems
8/10/2002 Supporting VS.NET and NAnt
5/11/2002 When do you stop unit testing?
YM: gweakliem
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