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Day level permalink April 13, 2006

Melanie Phillips: Saddam's Secrets

Melanie Phillips speaks with former Air Vice Marshal in Saddam’s Iraq, Georges Sada, about his claim that Saddam shipped biological and chemical weapons to Syria; much of it will be familiar to lizardoids who’ve been keeping up with this story, but Sada’s reaction to prevailing Western opinion is interesting:

In April 2004, a group of al Qaeda terrorists was caught in Jordan with 20 tons of Sarin gas. When Sada heard of this, he says, his blood ran cold. There was only one place which was capable of producing 20 tons of Sarin: Saddam’s Iraq. To his horror, he says, he realised at that moment that Saddam’s WMD had got into the hands of al Qaeda.

Earlier this year, Sada was interrogated about his claims by the American House Intelligence committee, to whom he gave the names of the Iraqi pilots. Subsequently, he says, the Committee went to Iraq and spoke to the pilots. The result, he says, is that a major American investigative and diplomatic effort is now under way to finally locate the missing WMD.

But in Britain, I say, people now firmly believe that there were no WMD and that we were taken to war on a lie. Sada looks utterly flabbergasted. ‘How can they possibly think that?’ he asks in bewilderment and anger, and puts his head in his hands.


[ LittleGreenFootballs ]

7:38:50 AM  Item-level permalink    

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