Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Zope 2.7 Project (re)initiated, and the joys of error_log
It's gone through a couple of revisions already, but the real project plan for the next Zope release, Zope 2.7, is now up on Among the list of Proposed Features is Easier Configuration, Installation, and Management, a welcome addition.

As for Zope 2.6, all Zope developers owe it to themselves to download it for one reason above all others - error_log! The new error_log object gives detailed access to recent exceptions raised. Not only is this beneficial during development, but it has great testing/deployment uses as well. You can keep an eye on a deployed site to see if unhandled exceptions are happening, and where. You can also get detailed technical exception reports during testing that a tester may not be able to report on their own.
8:31:14 AM  blips[]