Paul Holbrook's Radio Weblog : Worth $40 a year? You decide ..
Updated: 4/8/2003; 8:56:20 PM.


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Sunday, July 07, 2002
Intersections: Weblogs, Wikis (and PIMs?)

I've found a couple of interesting resources in the cross-section of weblogs and Wikis (and even PIMs, too.)

WikiWeblogPIM is described in the Weblogs Compendium as "page of links on research about things relevant to software that would combine the best features of existing wiki, weblog and PIM software." I guess that's a reasonable description of a very funky looking page. It's produced by John Abbe. John has a weblog called AbbeNormal, which seems to take an inordinately long time to load. (But once it does, clicking between items is pretty fast. ?)

John talks about Tinder Box, a proprietary Mac application that is described as a "personal content managment assistant." If I was a Mac person, and still in my PIM phase, I might try it. (But at $95, I might not .. that's steep. I used to try these kinds of programs regularly, but only when I could get someone else to pay for it.)

In any case, Mark Bernstein is the chief scientist for Eastgate, the company that makes Tinder Box. Mark's weblog points to the Weblog Kitchen, a site devoted to exploring the intersections between weblogs, wikis, and weblogs.

10:41:04 PM      comment []
Weblog Compendium

Here's an interesting list of tools and weblog-related stuff: the Weblog Compendium. All kinds of stuff, and you can add your own resources.

7:45:11 PM      comment []
Cygwin XFree86: free X server on MS Windows

I've used Exceed's X server for years, and I like it, but it costs hundreds of dollars. Slashdot has a thread about a free X server: Cygwin's XFree86 4.2.0 on Windows XP . Slashdot notes that this runs on Win2k, not just XP. There appear to be two primary problems: first, you can't run a Windows application window next to an X window, as you can with X servers like Exceed or Hummingbird. Second, you can't cut and paste between X and MS Windows. (The latter one is a bigger hassle, I think.) [Slashdot]

9:17:13 AM      comment []

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