I've found a couple of interesting resources in the cross-section of
weblogs and Wikis (and even PIMs, too.)
is described in the Weblogs Compendium
as "page of links on research about things relevant to software that
would combine the best features of existing wiki, weblog and PIM
software." I guess that's a reasonable description of a very funky
looking page. It's produced by John Abbe. John has a weblog
called AbbeNormal, which
seems to take an inordinately long time to load. (But once it does,
clicking between items is pretty fast. ?)
John talks about Tinder
Box, a proprietary Mac application that is described as a
"personal content managment assistant." If I was a Mac person, and
still in my PIM phase, I might try it. (But at $95, I might not
.. that's steep. I used to try these kinds of programs regularly, but
only when I could get someone else to pay for it.)
In any case, Mark Bernstein is the chief scientist for Eastgate, the
company that makes Tinder Box. Mark's weblog points to
the Weblog
Kitchen, a site devoted to exploring the intersections between
weblogs, wikis, and weblogs.
10:41:04 PM