Keith Devans got a Palm
IIIe from a friend who got another Palm. Keith notes that he
might try configuring his to-do and memo list categories in the way
that David Allen
suggests (PDF). (David Allen is the author of Getting
Things Done.) Allen's tips are actually pretty useful; I used
them on my Palm back when I was at CNN and had many more meetings and
action items than I do now. I haven't needed them as much this last year.
On a similar note, my Palm Vx died this Fall. I was putting off
getting another one, but my two sons went in together and bought a new
Vx off eBay. That was more useful to me than getting a newer model,
because I had all the accessories for the Vx. (I also don't think any
of the newer Palms are really worth the money right now. Not enough
improvement over my Vx.)
4:54:06 PM