developers have announced that the site now has more Web traffic than
brand-name online encyclopedias, as well as passing a milestone of
500,000 entries in more than 50 languages.
From The Hartford Courant to Weblogs and RSS (and Wiki
itself), there's a surprising amount of pretty good and downright
excellent information on Wikipedia... but anyone (even a former Courant reporter with an old "insider" joke to tell about Pulitzer Prizes) can edit any page, so there's a good dose of caveat emptor involved. However, it's even gaining respect among professional librarians
at brand-name universities. When Wikipedia started linking every day of
the year to a page about that day, I noticed an omission on my own birthday and wound up doing some research on the invention of the transistor and the carrer of Wesley Clark
to help update the page. Still, while the quality may be quirky,
there's no question about the quantity of information that has been
added to the Wiki.
"This represents extensive growth over the past thirteen months, when Wikipedia announced one hundred thousand entries. The project began in 2001," said the folks I heard the news from, at [NITLE Tech News] (via Kuro5hin )
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