Bob Stepno's Other Journalism Weblog
Explorations of personal and community journalism... Traditional, Alternative, Online... The new TAO of newspapers?
The World Editors Forum has begun posting its 2008 Newsroom Barometer -- the results of a survey of more than 700 newspaper editors on the future of news -- including predictions about integrated print-Web newsrooms and the rise of multimedia and multi-skilled journalists.
Meanwhile, the forum's weblog is running a series of interviews with, as its name might suggest, some of the world's top editors. It's fascinating to compare the responses to the question "How long do you think you will define your company as a newspaper company or a print company?" Hint: Almost all say they've considered themselves "news" or "information" organizations for some time, "newspaper" being just a "distribution channel."
Even true-believers in journalism seem to be turning to what one calls an "almost platform-agnostic" integrated newsroom. (That link goes to a preview of New York Times digital news editor Jim Roberts' presentation to the forum's conference in Sweden next month.) Here's the list of interviewees, including already-posted transcripts and publications expected to participate: