Y. B. Normal
Ziv Caspi can't keep his mouth shut.
Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. Subscribe to "Y. B. Normal" in Radio UserLand. Click to see the XML version of this web page. Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. blogchalk: Ziv/Male/31-35. Lives in Israel/Tel Aviv/Central and speaks Hebrew. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.  
Updated: 2002-09-22; 2:30:23 PM.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002
12:39:23 AM • comment []

Dave says:

A simple registry open to all attendees. Give us the URLs of your RSS feeds. An aggregator runs once an hour, reads all the feeds, and spits out a communal event-based blog, with pointers to the originals. Easy to implement with current technology.  [Scripting News]

I can't escape the feeling that the web-logging community only now stumbles upon good ideas that were invented (at least) as early as NNTP?

Next thing you know, we'll have a unique ID assigned to each RSS item, and then RSS aggregators would be able to automatically thread together several related items from different blogs.

The big conceptual difference between RSS channels and the NNTP system is that the former is centered about the source -- a person or the output of some agent -- while the latter is centered about topics of interest. Currently, blogging is so useful for the same reason NNTP was useful at its earliest days -- there are so few people posting, and most of them generate excellent value. Sadly, this would deteriorate once more people join in. (Perhaps this blog is the proof that it has already started!)

© Copyright 2002 Ziv Caspi.

May 2002
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RSS and News Aggregators
Radio & Friends

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