Disenchanted says in Serendipity is a bastard:
I realized that as you stripped away the animal behaviors from man, what's left behind includes a machine that consumes chaos and shits reason and order. And furthermore, it doesn't seem to care where the chaos came from. Random numbers have no lineage, no heredity, they are all illegitimate children; I didn't make any subliminal inputs to the sort order of the cards as I shuffled and cut them, nor was I channelling a fortune telling spirit. What humans seem to be terribly good at, however, is finding patterns that aren't really there, a talent we appear to share with the universe itself. Before math and science gave us a better picture, mystics used to believe the patterns we saw in nature and ourselves were put there by the Gods.
Not only is this true, the reverse is also true: we excel at taking complete order and turning it into chaos. Take any human situation, however calm, and a close inspection will show that there are numerous random fluctuations under the smooth covers. Sometimes, in total disregard to the second law of thermodynamics, a seemingly microscopic occurence turns into a major macroscopic issue.