Updated: 1/7/08; 5:50:29 PM.
Entries relating to the use of weblogs, klogging, klogs and Personal Knowledge management systems to pursue a more coherent life view, a more effective approach to present experience.

 Monday, January 7, 2008
<p>A hello to Savvica staff who are replacing nuuvo with Savvica

<p>I've done quite a bit of Web 1.0 instruction online. It's time to move on to work
at the Web 2.0 level --- I would like to encourage DEEPER involvement of students in knowledge building, group learning, knowledge structuring and organization.

<p>Here's a partial list of Web 2.0-inclined newcomers, (thanks to ReadWriteWeb):
<li>elgg.net a Social networking, open source, application. While it is not set up
so much for education... it can serve a distributed network as it talks over and collaboratively develops knowledge. The following from the University of Brighton:
Elgg is now being used formally within course and modules and less formally to bring together people with similar interests - enabling people to share information, reflections and comment across course boundaries and develop something very different to anything we've had before. I firmly believe we're taking the first steps from a Virtual Learning Environment to a Shared Learning Environment."</blockquote>
<li>nuuvo -- now savvica (evidently in beta). Here <a href="http://support.nuvvo.com/documentation">documentation</a> for nuuvo. Presumably there will be resemblance; though that's not guaranteed. Nuuvo became Savvica via a purchase (Often the purchase can sever originator vision from the product. Would "repurposing" be an appropriate description of what often takes place?)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.digication.com/about/company">Digication</a>
<li><a href="http://www.chalksite.com/learn/">Chalksite</a> a system for teacher communication with students and families. Can include a web site.
<li><a href="www.haikuls.com/php/features.php">Haiku LMS</a> Includes teacher and class website creators, gradebook, assessment, dropbox for online submission of homework, and much more. The only classroom feature that is not obvious is a testing module.
<li> <a href="www.hawaii.edu/its/sakai">Sakai</a> Is like Blackboard, WebCT (now owned by Blackboard) and Moodle [to a lesser extent, I would arguw] in its relatively traditional organization of instruction from the teacher out. They're teacher centric, if you like. A student centric , or at least a more balanced approach, would start with an individual student, or group of students and the voluntary choice of a knowledge or competence target. The teacher would serve as an advisor on the learning path, the method and the recognition of sufficient competence.

<p>To be honest, given my comments on Sakai, you might not be surprised to know that I'm not sure that there is a student-centric knowledge acquisition system out there. Bits and pieces but not yet the whole system. Once its constructed it will resemble a generic research application with a strong focus on verifying that knowledge
acquired satisfactorily matches all specifications initially given by the student.
Perhaps the teacher could serve as a honest reflector upon the accomplishments. It can be easy to rationalize the product as 'just right' , even when it is short of or different from the original goal, because of fatigue or even an honest change of mind
that has come because of engagement with new knowledge bits and engaging knowledge-making processes.

<p>PS. After above thoughts I think I should dig into the definition of Web 2.0 Learning systems. Distributed ownership is terrific but is not the same as,  is not necessarily accompanied by, learner centric instruction.

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Spike Hall is an Emeritus Professor of Education and Special Education at Drake University. He teaches most of his classes online. He writes in Des Moines, Iowa.


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