The views expressed on this weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
 Friday, November 22, 2002

MSN Messenger 5.0 leaked?

Did anyone else some how get a copy of MSN Messenger downloaded to them by clicking on an add in MSN Messenger 4.7 early this morning?  It was the standard "A New Version of Messenger is available" and now I've got what appears to be Messenger 5.0.0540 on my box ALONGSIDE my old MSN 4.7 and they seem to be fighting and sometimes run at the SAME TIME.  Thoughts? (screenshot to the right)

There seems to be some confusion because if you go to you get 4.7 but if you go here you get 5.0.

Note: These msn links will probably have link rot VERY soon...

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NAnt and FxCopCmd. Today I spent some time in between NAnt and FxCop, and by the sheer size of the output log file,... []

Ah...yet another thing I don't have to write today, because someone fabulous has already done it!

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.NET Refactoring Tool Enters Beta. "C# Refactory is a revolutionary new tool which enhances Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET IDE. It performs a number of complex refactorings automatically, allowing you to shape and re-shape your code as needs arise. It also helps you identify code which needs attention by calculating metrics, from 'lines of code' all the way up to 'cyclomatic complexity'. It is fully integrated with the IDE - no external tools means that refactorings are always ready at your fingertips."
[ Windows Developer News]


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