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 Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Roshambo and Rise of Nations

If you've every played Age of Empires or the new Rise of Nations, you've probably realized by now that they are just really elaborate examples of Rock-Paper-Scissors (Pikeman beats Knight, Knight beats Footman, Footman beats Pikeman...). 

Even though I know this - as a 29 year old man I can intellectualize this - but I still stayed up until midnight last night playing International Roshambo (also known as Rise of Nations).  Dammit if it isn't a fantastic game.  I'm not even a big gamer, but the level of detail and thought put into this game is ridiculous. 

Of course, I play the Bantu (my wife is Zimbabwean Ndebele, a Bantu tribe) as they kick the most butt.

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New NetPing from Jeff Key

Jeff Key has updated NetPing.  NetPing is one of the primary examples I use when teaching newbies C#.  It's a nice utility that everyone can easily understand.  It's full of nice examples of Threading, WinForms, etc. 

It's also a cool addition to utils collections for the IT wonk.  He's updated it to include launching Remote Desktop, launch Computer Management and NetworkDriveInfo (another nice util).

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