The views expressed on this weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
 Tuesday, October 15, 2002

XML Spy Visual Studio.NET Integration Add-in Beta 2 (201kB)

Download the XML Spy Visual Studio.NET Integration Add-in Beta. The Add-in allows you to use XML SPY Features directly within Visual Studio.NET. (This add-in requires Visual Studio.NET and XML Spy Suite 4.3)
[Peter Stanski]

Now THIS is something special! The question now is do I use this Add-In, or stick with the glorious Visual XSLT from ActiveState.  I shall install and explore...

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A picture named SoapExtWiz.JPGIt's a 0.1 version! Don't expect miracles!

Here's the C# wizard for ASP.NET Soap Extensions.

What works: It'll generate a compiling SoapExtension that will exactly do nothing. However, the code should have all the hooks to get started.

What doesn't work: (a) You need to click on "Application Options" once to initialize the settings correctly. (b) I haven't had the time to test all option combinations. (c) Any project name that isn't a single word will likely cause the wizard to create garbage. (d) The namespace from the project settings page isn't picked up. (e) Probably several bugs in the template code.

Purpose: Demonstrates that custom stuff can be plugged into VS.NET. Makes creating full SOAP Extensions a bit easier and helps understanding how they are built.

What to do with it: If you need adjustments, poke around in the wizard's templates1033 subdir.

How to install: Unpack the archive, read the readme.txt. It's just three steps. Unpack an archive, copy one file, edit one file. Once that's done, start VS.NET and try.

And as always: It may just not work for you. If that's the case, mail me.

[Clemens Vasters: Enterprise Development & Alien Abductions]

Once again, my main man Clemens proves that he's the hardest working man in show business.

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