Tuesday, January 21, 2003 |
Thursday, January 16, 2003 |
Monday, January 13, 2003 |
Quick weblog updates
Thanks to everyone who offered their services as a designer in response to my request. The position has been filled and you should see the results of the work in the coming days (it is pretty sweet).
Also, there will be some changes with my weblog in the coming weeks, possibly including a new URL. If you link to my weblog, please use this URL:
as that will always point to my weblog, even it it moves.
Sorry for the sporadic posts lately, but as I mentioned above, I have been working on some changes to the weblog, and will hopefully get back up to speed soon.
5:25:16 PM Google It!
Friday, January 10, 2003 |
Wednesday, January 08, 2003 |
Macromedia Flash and Apple Safari
Apple announced yesterday that it is releasing a new browser named Safari. The browser has support for the Flash player (it uses the existing player already on the system). However, as some people have pointed out there are some significant issues with Flash playback within the browser. Since the Safari browser is currently in beta, this is to be expected.
We are working very closely with Apple and the Safari team to ensure that these issues are taken care of prior to the final release. If you discover any issues with Flash playback within Safari, please submit them to us using the Flash Player wish list form, and also make sure to submit them to Apple using the built in bug reporting feature (click on the little bug at the top right of the browser).
2:21:11 PM Google It!
Tuesday, January 07, 2003 |
CFMX / Flash Remoting for OS X
We announced today that the developer version of CFMX J2EE Developer edition is now available for Mac OS X. What does this mean? It means that you can install JRun 4 on OS X and run CFMX on top of that, and do all of your ColdFusion and Flash Remoting development on OS X.
Christian Cantrell wrote a logged in article with some info on the announcement and has posted some info and links on here weblog.
You can find more information, as well as download all of the bits you need here.
9:30:30 PM Google It!
Monday, January 06, 2003 |
New Macromedia Weblog : Christian Cantrell
Christian Cantrell, the new Server Community Manager for Macromedia has just launched his weblog.
You can view it here.
The weblog system is a temporary one that he put together (using CFMX) over the past couple of days (although, I think it is pretty impressive). We are working on a more permanent, long term solution.
10:40:11 PM Google It!
Volkwagen uses Flash 6 to introduce new models
I just noticed that Volwswagen has launched a new section of their site that has information on their new car models. Of particular interest, is the Touarage mini site, which is done using Flash Player 6.
You can view the site here.
I have to admit, I am a Volkswagen junky, having had a total of 5 over my driving career (diesel rabbit (first car, slow and loud), vw fox (zippy, door handles fell off), vw jetta (backed into parking garage pylon), vw new beetle (hilary clinton rode in it), vw passat wagon (i'm getting old!)).
10:36:44 PM Google It!
DevCon 2002 Orlando KeyNotes online
The Day 1 and Day 2 Keynotes from Macromedia DevCon 2002 in Orlando, Florida are now online.
You can view them here.
The video is done using Flash and the Flash Communication Server.
Apparently, this has been available for a little while, but I just noticed it.
[via FlaZoom]
2:55:01 PM Google It!
Another DRK Contest
I am planning on holding another "Find Cartoon Mesh" DRK contest similar to the run i ran last week. However, this time, Cartoon Mesh (or should it be mini-mesh) will be hidden on my blog or one of the other Flash related weblogs.
So, if you run a weblog and want to participate in the contest, just send me an email directly, or post your link in the comments section. I'll get all of the links together, and then start the contest.
Also, if you get tired of looking for Cartoon Mike, submit a new character to search for.
The prize will be a copy of the Developer Resource Kit Volume 2.
1:43:06 PM Google It!
WysiDraw Component v. 1.0
FigLeaf has released the first version of its WysiDraw Component. This is a pretty impressive whiteboard component (by far the best that I have seen), and is available for purchase.
You can view a demo here.
You can find more information on the component here.
1:08:32 PM Google It!
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Macromedia MX
Flash MX