News, resources, info and links on Macromedia MX, with a focus on Macromedia Flash MX
  from the Macromedia Flash Community Manager.

Friday, August 02, 2002

New Flash MX resource at Macromedia

We have published some new Flash MX resources at the Designer and Developer Center. Not as much Flash content as usual, but we have launched a number of new topic pages for:

Here is the Flash related content:

Check them out.

2:06:44 PM    comment []  Google It!  

Setting up a namespace on the Client object on the Flash Communication Server

I have been writing some Flash Communication Server code (on the server side), and had a need to connect methods and properties to the Client object. Normally, I would use _resolve so i would not have to attach methods directly to the Client object, but doing that would mean that my code could not work with the Flash Communication Server components, which also define _resolve.

The solution, was to create a namespace on the Client object and store my data there.

Client.prototype.MyNameSpace = new Object(); = function()

When calling the method from Flash, just remember to insert the namespace:"", null);

While this is not the best solution (_resolve is), is does help ensure that you will not have namespace collisions with other server side code that may attach properties or functions to the Client object.

1:57:34 PM    comment []  Google It!  

Paying for Components

Guy Watson (aka FlashGuru, or is it the otherway around?) has started a discussion on charging for components. Very interesting read, and a topic that is sure to come up again and again as more advanced components are developed.

You can read the post and comments here.

Opinion : When you consider the amount of work that goes into a well designed and built component, and the amount of time and money it can save you in multiple projects, I really have no problem paying for something that i need to use. But in return, i expect high quality product and documentation.

1:55:49 PM    comment []  Google It!  

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