Updated: 05/01/2003; 2:39:40 PM.
Robert Paterson's Radio Weblog
What is really going on beneath the surface? What is the nature of the bifurcation that is unfolding? That's what interests me.

Sunday, June 23, 2002

In Canada the big debate about the future of healthcare is set between two camps. Those who believe that we only need to tax more and continue our current system and those who think that we should become more like the US system and allow the individual to pay.

We have become so focused in this argument - it's not a debate - that we have missed, I think anyway, the point about do we have to pay for all of this when we have not looked below the obvious and seen what is driving poor health and done something about that instead. Here is summary of the best thinking that I have found that looks at what drives poor health. It forces one to consider that, just as public health made the difference in Victoruan times, looking at our health from a public perspective would make a huge impact on the incidence and costs of illness today.


7:42:56 AM    comment []

I have been wondering what the larger context might be for Blogging, for Peer to Peer, for networks etc.

Might it be a dramatic shift away from jobs and employment in organizations to a networked world where Free Agents, who share the values of Cultural Creatives, link to each other in a Peer to Peer world?

Are we in fact seeing the beginnings of the deconstruction of the industrial world?

7:24:27 AM    comment []

My sense is that P2P, and every aspect of peer to peer relationships, are in fact the future and that the power of the idea - in music, journalism and education is so great that it will overcome the CERP and other attempts to put the traditional back in the middle between producers and consumers
7:07:28 AM    comment []

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