Updated: 01/07/2003; 12:51:20 PM.
What are the forces that create and diminish health? How can we reduce our reliance on Health care?

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Some of my readers - you know who you are - have complained about too many charts today "Pictoral Masturbation" was a term used

For you - One of my favourite pics from the Reverse Cowgirl

6:02:45 PM    comment []

This aging of the population is a global issue for developed nations. The one exception the USA. Here large scale immigration and high birthrates for immigrants will keep the age distribution more like a pyramid. But the US will become increasingly a Latin and Catholic country with a very large Asian segment. It will no longer be so focused on white and black.

As the developed nations creak with an aged population - who will pay the taxes? Who will do the work? Who will raise the next generation? We are going to have to change our ideas about aging and life. When you look at the grapgh, it may seem that we have lots of time. The system tips in 2020. But in fact we have only now to plan and to act as when the system tips, it will be too late

8:03:58 AM    comment []

We are addicted to drugs. Drug use is the fastest growing aspect of healthcare spending. The users? Mainly seniors. Why? Because they expect to get a presrciption when they go to the doctor. Many are on so called lifestyle drugs to lower chloresterol, to help with hyper tension an so on. My mother in law is a typical she has no heart disease, she is 78 and yet she has a long series of medications aimed at preventing this type of issue.Why? Becuase she asks for them and the doctor prescribes to get her out of her office. Drug use will exceed all other health care spending areas in the next 10 years if unchecked.



7:56:30 AM    comment []

With no reform to the healthcare system and with no rethink about hwo we die - we will be overwhelemed.

This is the normal skew on health care spending as we age in the current system.

7:45:30 AM    comment []

We all know that as a population we are getting older. We nod when we hear this and then get on with our lives. But I have found that when I see graphics about this trend, I start to see that we will live through a revolution. Never before in the history of any species has the population distribution been skewed this way. It will be worst in Notrth America in Canada and in Atlantic Canada where there is so little immigration.

Yet in a year when many Atalantic provinces go to the polls - do we hear a word about this issue? No In the next few posts I will show pou how this will effect us. Then judge whether this is an issue of importance or not.

7:41:57 AM    comment []

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