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Wednesday, June 05, 2002

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Keep the dog: it keeps you happy. Washington DC Washington Post: "In a study of children with autism and other pervasive development disorders, University of Washington researchers found that including a dog in therapy sessions led children to be more verbal and more engaged with therapists. Some of the most consistent findings link companion animals with enhanced physical, mental and emotional well-being. One of the first such studies, conducted in 1977 at the University of Maryland, followed 92 patients with heart disease for a year. Patients with pets outlived their counterparts without pets." What we've known by instinct, is finally being proved out by science: that our pets help us connect to happiness and nature...
Invisible Fences The Animal Doctor from the Washington Post weighs in on electronic fences. Usually electronic fences require a dog to wear a special device or collar to relay the shock when the animal tries to cross the invisible fence. I know of a friend who couldn't use them because his dogs were too intelligent and resourceful. They chewed each other's collar off and then escaped easily from his yard and frolicked all over the neighborhood. They were accomplished escape artists and could dig, climb and chew their way out of just about any yard...