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Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Summer arrives ... all at once... hot, sticky, dangerous weather FL Hot weather tips for you and your dog... [Times Herald]

It's so hot, the dogs won't move... and they're inside the house. This morning, both dogs wilted half way through their morning walk. Fluffly, double coated artic dogs require special care. Both chows flopped on the ground as I unpacked their cold water (with electrolytes, no less, "Smart Water"). Once they were fully refreshed, we walked back home, gathering speed in anticipation of cool air conditioning.... It's time to break out the ice necklaces for the dogs, and pack water and dog bowl for even short walks.

It's important to never force a dog to exercise in hot weather... most dogs are only too willing to please their owners and will override their own self interest, even if it means heat stroke or death.