The Mediaburn Radio Weblog

The Mediaburn Radio Weblog

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Store and Search E-Mail From Google.
Interesting idea. Will it catch on? How much e-mail should one bother keeping?

Google to offer gigabyte of free e-mail. The search company launches Gmail, an e-mail service with so much free storage that users will never have to delete messages, it claims. [CNET]

9:48:03 PM    

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CJ Morgan - Blog Post / Art Site
My "real" website of abstract art is actually published!.

To make this week even more special, the new art website is published. It's far from done, but there's something at every link. I'll be adding more artwork and articles practically every day for a while.

Just as you can subscribe to this weblog, you can subscribe to notices about additions to the main website. I'll send these notices once or twice a month. And of course, your contact information will be kept completely private.

I'd like to sell my vessel sculptures through galleries, so if you have a favorite gallery and can recommend my work to them, I'll greatly appreciate it. The new website will make it easy. And of course I have slides ready to send as well.

[Hand Forged Vessels]
8:14:36 PM    

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Board Recommends Expensing of Stock Options
Mediaburn also supports the expensing of stock options by companies. Stock options are contracts that businesses will pay out at a future date. They are an expense and should be accounted for in some manner. - Editor

Board recommends expensing of stock options. Businesses would have to treat stock options as an expense under a proposal from the FASB, which sets U.S. accounting standards. That's not likely to go over well in Silicon Valley. [CNET]
6:24:33 PM    

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Re: Sony Retail Stores
Sony open for retail business. The electronics giant will open more stores, mind the small to medium size business market and broaden its Vaio brand in an effort to beat up rivals. [CNET]
6:52:12 AM    

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La Logotheque
A picture named logo.jpgLogos. I know, I've already blogged them ages ago. But they are still expanding and regularly updating their website: La Logotheque. Downloadable company logos, all in illustrator format. Fab. [The Cartoonist]
6:42:00 AM    

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Joan Anderman on Bowie
As himself, Bowie still a visionary with style. It would defy imagination for anyone -- even an artist as tapped into the cultural zeitgeist as David Bowie -- to stay relevant throughout a four-decade career. While the British pop star has had as many aesthetically dormant periods as era-defining ones, he's nothing if not a visionary stylist. Which means that Bowie remains perpetually vital, and last night's 2 ... [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
6:40:20 AM    

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Cover to Cover
A picture named comic505.jpgWhy not. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. comic book covers. [The Cartoonist]
6:35:59 AM    

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Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers
There's a New Book in Town. bestofblogs.jpg The book Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs is now out. It's an anthology of weblog writing, the first of a series. The content comes from a real cross-section of talented writers, from the A Listers to the Bs, Cs and even a few Ds. I highly recommend it. The really exciting part here is -- I'm in it! Me me me! Out of 30,000 submissions, editors Alan Graham and Bonnie Burton chose two blog entries for inclusion. The book also contains interviews and nude photos of the hottest bloggers (okay, I made that last thing up).
So, what else can I say? Visit the website, go to Amazon and buy buy buy. []
6:29:49 AM    

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Carl Jung
Carl Jung. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." [Quotes of the Day]
6:12:35 AM    

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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Shake It Up
Online Music Shakeout. Scrambling over tight profit margins, online music stores are merging or selling themselves off. Remember that the reason iTunes grabbed so much market share is because their focus is on selling hardware -- the music is a break-even proposition for... [Indie Music Club]
8:39:51 PM    

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Night of the Living Dead - Special Mention, Richard Ricci
I was fortunate enough to attend a cinema/lighting workshop by Richard Ricci in Albuquerque, New Mexico a couple of years ago at The Digital Filmmaking Institute. Originally from Pittsburgh, Richard was on the creative crew of Night of the Living Dead.

Thanks Richard, for the insights! - Gary

Night of the Living Dead on NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD is available for free on Before 1978, any copyrighted work had to have a copyright notice on every distribution, otherwise it wasn't considered copyrighted. George A. Romero mistakenly left out the copyright notice when he distributed his 1968 film NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. The copyright has not recently lapsed, but was, in fact, never enforcable, which is why we have dozens of "pirate" distributions of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and innumerable knock-offs. [Boing Boing] [Cinema Minima]
7:27:55 PM    

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Peak Version 4.1.1
Peak audio editor. Peak version 4.1.1 is a stereo audio editing, processing, and mastering application for the Macintosh. [Mac OS X Hot Downloads] [Cinema Minima]
6:54:08 PM    

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The Emergence of Cinema Minima (Small is Beautiful)
Trendwatch: new ways to distribute movies. What is Cinema Minima?

It is — as Jarrod Whaley has remarked — independent film [which] is actually independent. For there was nothing independent about the so-called Independent Film movement which flourished briefly in the waning days of the twentieth century. It was independent only inasmuch as its financing did not come entirely from studios. In every other respect — technique, dramatic conventions, distribution, and above all, aspirations — the Indie movement was indistinguishable from its better-financed cousins in Hollywood.

Now, however, the radically new tools for making movies — low-cost, light-weight digital video cameras, and inexpensive editing tools on personal computers — encourage a casual and fault-tolerant approach to moviemaking.

But even as the moment-to-moment, nuts-and-bolts of moviemaking have become easier, entirely new challenges have presented themselves to movie makers: new ways to show and to distribute their movies. Ways to identify new audiences, too.

The salient issue facing movie makers is distribution

2004 is turning out to be a pivotal year for new ways to distribute movies.

The self-distributed DVD is one way.

Recently, bold experiments have been made to discover new, feasible, ways to distribute movies over the internet, using combinations of distributed file-sharing (BitTorrent) and syndicated feeds (RSS).

Cinema Minima will be following these developments. [Cinema Minima]
6:55:31 AM    

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Dylan Review From
Bob Dylan - Avalon - Boston - 03/24/2004.

Went to see Bob Dylan at Avalon last night. I was totally psyched to go. Getting to see someone as great as Bob in a small club venue (capacity approx 2000) is a big treat.

I'll start with the complaints. First off, the stage setup SUCKED. Dylan was far off to the left playing keyboard most of the night. Why in HELL was he not dead center? I ended up coming in and heading to my normal location (through the biggest crowd I think I have ever seen at Avalon) and basically could not see Bob the entire night. That sucked.

Number 2, no guitar??? Bob didn't play any guitar all night long. That is no good. I would rather have had him at least play a couple of songs. Even better if he did a couple of songs solo.

Now that those are out of the way. WOW. What a show. Bob's voice sounded awesome. You could almost even understand him :) He was projecting well too. It was very interesting to hear how he plays his own songs these days. Very different than the album versions you are used to. I definitely didn't recognize some songs until a certain hook in the vocals or something.

Overall, an amazing show, great to see Bob in a place that small.


1. Maggie's Farm
2. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
3. Lonesome Day Blues
4. Just Like A Woman
5. Things Have Changed
6. Tell Me That It Isn't True
7. Highway 61 Revisited
8. Can't Wait
9. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
10. High Water (For Charley Patton)
11. It Ain't Me Babe
12. Honest With Me
13. Saving Grace
14. Summer Days

15. Cat's In The Well
16. Like A Rolling Stone
17. All Along The Watchtower

By (Skadz). [Geeks, Guitars and Guinness]
6:51:53 AM    

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Message From Userland Software

Scheduled Maintenance for Radio: We are in the final exciting stages of moving Radio UserLand servers over to new equipment that will provide a better experience when publishing or reading your Radio weblog. All the content is already being upstreamed to the new server and existing content has already been moved. There is really nothing you need to do. The server changes will not require you to re-publish your site or make any changes to your Radio configuration. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us directly at Dates to keep in mind are: Wednesday, March 31 for the Salon Radio UserLand Community Server and Friday, April 2 for the Radio UserLand Community Server. We appreciate your patience.  We think you will love the results.

[Scott Young's Radio Weblog]
6:42:09 AM    

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A Prominent Solar Prominence from SOHO (2004 March 30) [Astronomy Picture of The Day]
6:37:17 AM    

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Monday, March 29, 2004

Celestial Moments
The sky last night showed Luna with Saturn.

High up in the sky, Jupiter hung right under the lion. Here is the planet flanked by two of her moons, Io and Europa. The photograph below was made with the same 180mm f/2.8 lens tht I shot the dog show with.

9:31:14 PM    

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PR Post
RSS and the blogosphere.

Kevin Dugan has been out evangelising RSS with PR Newswire's Media Insider.

"RSS has a wide range of applications in public relations, from communications with employees and customers to keeping media posted on company news. RSS makes it much easier to track the large amounts of information available online."


[PR Opinions]
9:26:13 PM    

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Conscious Interplanetary
Planetary symbols from the Pluto page [101-365]
8:17:39 PM    

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Distributed Computing
Folding Proteins at Home. As part of a groundbreaking distributed computing experiment, Noah Johnson and half a million other people are donating their spare computer capacity so Stanford University scientists can remotely simulate protein folding, an essential biochemical process that controls vital body functions. [Mar 29] [Apple Hot News]
8:15:03 PM    

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Re: Digital Media Project, iTunes Case Study
Berkman's Urs Gasser released a study of Apple's iTunes. [Scripting News]
7:34:32 PM    

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Toyota Prius: The 'It' Car
Prius Delivery Delays Growing.

Toyota is still promoting its new Prius hybrid. But my local dealer told me today the wating period -- if I'm willing to pay a deposit -- is now five months.

[Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
7:22:02 PM    

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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Very Cool...'The Cat'
The Cat.

The Cat, a lampoon of jazz-record collectors, illustrated by the legendary cartoonist and animator, Gene Deitch.

[Eye of the Goof]
10:37:04 PM    

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'Lil Red Rooster, Poultry, Yardbird
Too early!

12:26:44 PM    

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Moving Pictures
A picture named dexter.jpg

Gooch To The Rescue

This blog has always been devoted to independent and digital filmmaking. Given the budgetary constraints that seem to go hand-in-hand with this type of filmmaking, it's with great pleasure that I get to post today's link from Mike Luciano. Luciano is an avid DV filmmaker who is always looking for ways to make better films more economically. In class, we've been discussing ways to make shots more visually appealing (and, accordingly, the often painful cost of renting dollies, jibs, cranes and such. )

Gooch located a site with tons of plans for economical versions of all of the above. Home Built Stabilizers has an amazing link page. One of the best links on the page is to the site of Ron Dexter. A professional cinematographer, Dexter (pictured above) graciously shares lots of practical information in his site. There's a lot of reading there.

Dexter recommends DV Moves. The best thing on the site is their video of their camera in action. It definitely elevates the quality of the shot in a heartbeat. Finally, Cody Deegan has a book with plans for another stabilizer and comparison videos on his site. If you're aching to tell your story with moving pictures instead of a bunch of static, tripod talking heads, check out these sites. [Cyndi Greening's Radio Blog]
9:23:18 AM    

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Notes: Ottmar Liebert on Flamenco Roots
Sephardic Jews in Turkey. Interesting article I found on the web regarding Sephardic Jews in Turkey.
Our story begins in March, 1492, when after the fall of Granada which marked the end of the Reconquista, the Catholic monarchs of Spain, Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon, together with their fanatical prime minister Torquemada, decided to send all the Jews who refused to be converted into exile.

Approximately 200,000 Spanish Jews were exiled towards the north of Europe, and also spread out in branches throughout the Mediterranean area. It is of course, quite difficult to estimate the exact number of refugees in every country but according to some historians about 93,000 Jews came to the Ottoman Empire.
This seems to somewhat dispute what Paco says in the interview regarding the influence of Sephardic music on Flamenco. If 200,000 Spanish Jews were exiled at the end of the 15th century, how could they influence Flamenco that much? However, it is possible that a large enough group of Sephardic Jews remained in Spain at the time, and maybe met with other persecuted peoples like the Gypsys and the Arabs. I think it is highly likely that Flamenco started at the cultural intersection of these three ethnic groups. [Ottmar Liebert]
9:20:16 AM    

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World Music Central - Interview with Paco de LucÌa
Interview w Paco. Nice interview with Paco DeLucia from last December.
I found some Sephardic scores and there I noticed the great influence that this music has in Flamenco. I used to think that Flamenco was more influenced by the Arab culture, but I am pretty sure now that it is more linked to the Sephardic music made at Toledo at that time.
At the end of 1988 I played guitar at a resort hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona. After one set a man came up to me and said that my playing reminded him of Sephardic music. Up to that time I had always assumed that Flamenco was mostly Arabic in nature, with bits and pieces from India and stops along the Gypsy migration... [Ottmar Liebert]
9:16:18 AM    

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Ah Yes....Mister B.I.M
A picture named info.gifThis is your Bishop Information Minister speaking. Enough repeats for today. The stupid person known as The Cartoonist will be back tomorrow. I'll bugger off now, crawling back into my damp hole in the Garden, underneath the pond, where that silly prat has ordered me to stay. I've had enough anyway. I'll go back into politics. I could easily become a spin doctor. See ya. [The Cartoonist]
9:05:20 AM    

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The Simputer
Simputer ships. The Simputer, my favorite example of socially responsible vaporware, has finally become a hard reality, the Associated Press reports. It's a low-cost, Linux-powered handheld computer designed by Indian scientists in 2001 to introduce computing to populations too poor to afford... [ Buzzworthy]
9:03:11 AM    

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John C. Picardi's Play - 'Sweepers'
He aims for strong characters, not stereotype. [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
9:00:47 AM    

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Ralf Zeigermann Refresher - Illustrations
A picture named FW_0001.jpgA Repeat -The Mookse and the Gripes [4].

Joyce. I've set up a webpage dedicated to my Finnegans Wake illustrations. [The Cartoonist]
8:54:24 AM    

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Citizen Kubrick
Citizen Kubrick
[Via Jerry Kindall] [Tyromaniac]
8:50:19 AM    

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Mister B.I.M.
A picture named info.gifThis is your Bishop Information Minister speaking. The person known as The Cartoonist has been busy walking The Streets of London [MP3, 4MB] together with his uncle from Hamburg, who was so kind to supply him with the 1960's issues of 'film'. So I'm simply going to post a few repeats from September and order you to check out the Cartoonist's archives! The stupid bugger (aka The Cartoonist) will be back tomorrow. [The Cartoonist]
8:48:05 AM    

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Space Art 2
A picture named ig99_ancientmars5.jpgSpace Art. [2] Ancient Mars, there's water everywhere. Renderings by Kees Veenenbos. Perhaps I should give Terragen another try ... [The Cartoonist]
8:45:43 AM    

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Bernardo Strozzi
Reunited. In the 17th-century Bernardo Strozzi painting "Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene and Her Maid," one of the greatest Italian treasures in the Museum of Fine Arts, the saint looks up -- but there's nothing there. [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
8:43:42 AM    

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Space Art
A picture named DDGNLND2.jpgSpace Art. [1] Don Davies, Space Artist and Animator. Thanks to Reimund for the link. [The Cartoonist]
8:41:06 AM    

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Saturday, March 27, 2004

Bee In Flight
Bee in flight:

I saw something like this on the DP Review forum recently and wanted to try it myself. I used a 24-120mm Nikkor with Vibration Reduction technology and the D100's built in fill flash. Here's more insects. [101-365]
7:33:34 PM    

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Internet History: J.C.R. Licklider
--- It seems reasonable to envision, for a time 10 or 15 years hence, a 'thinking center' that will incorporate the functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated advances in information storage and retrieval.

The picture readily enlarges itself into a network of such centers, connected to one another by wide-band communication lines and to individual users by leased-wire services. In such a system, the speed of the computers would be balanced, and the cost of the gigantic memories and the sophisticated programs would be divided by the number of users. ---

- J.C.R. Licklider, Man-Computer Symbiosis, 1960.
11:23:35 AM    

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Friday, March 26, 2004

Weblogs and Really Simple Syndication in Education
This is a great article on weblogs and RSS in education. An excerpt - "Weblogs and RSS (Really Simple Syndication), are redefining the way students and teachers use the Internet, turning them from mere readers into writers to the Web as well, and making it easier to filter and track the ever-growing number of resources coming online each day..." [Scott Young's Radio Weblog]
11:22:23 PM    

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motion 2
Flying brother. A picture named StefanFlying.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
10:39:34 PM    

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Prius Awards + synergy. A picture named CarSide.jpg
Check out all of the awards the Prius has been getting with the title link.
And this is what the Prius is all about: the synergy betweeen gas-engine, electric motor, generator and traction battery. One reason it works so well is that here is no conventional starter, where gears grind together to start up the engine. I am told that the Prius starts the conventional gas engine via magnetic induction instead of gears. This is very important because the engine is turned on and off many times during a drive. Every time you come to a standstill for more than a few seconds, the engine is turned off automatically. If you should need to move quickly there is the electric motor to get you going and the engine is turned on right away as well. All of this happens automatically and you would never even notice the interplay unless you choose to look at the display. [Ottmar Liebert]
10:35:38 PM    

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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Free Shrimp For Earthlings
Free Shrimp For All Earthlings!. You'd swear this was an Onion story, but it's true -- Long John Silver's is giving away free giant shrimp because of the recent discovery of evidence of an ancient flowing body of salt water on Mars:

"We can't wait to celebrate NASA's out-of-this-world success, and there's no better way to recognize their giant accomplishments than with free Giant Shrimp for America."

The only connections I can think of between the discovery and giant shrimp are that perhaps LJS's is admitting that these giant mutant shrimp are actually not from earth, or perhaps that the discovery of salt water on Mars opens the possibility of shrimp farming on the red planet, which would certainly be much better for our environment considering that shrimp is one of the worst species to eat because of the environmental impacts of their harvest...but then again, they are so tasty, especially wrapped in bacon....

via boingboing [Street Tech]
6:43:06 PM    

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2004 Temecula Fest
2004 Temecula, California Film and Music Festival. Showcasing the best in the film and music industry for it’s 10th year, with last year’s attendance boasting over 8,000, the Temecula Valley International Film and Music Festival (TVIFMF) is ready to roll again this fall September 8-12, 2004 [Indie Music Club] [Cinema Minima]
6:46:11 AM    

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Via Ed Cone

A pair of Picassos from the Weatherspoon Art Museum at UNC-Greensboro

Picasso, Pablo
color lithograph

Paolo as Harlequin with Flowers
Picasso, Pablo
color etching on paper

6:38:55 AM    

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Trouble at Sea: The State of the World's Oceans
Trouble at Sea: The State of the World's Oceans.
"While seemingly indestructible, the ocean is a fragile eco-system. It's increasingly under threat from over-fishing, coastal development, and pollution. On this edition of Making Contact, we'll take a look at the over-all health of the ocean today, along with a close-up of the impact of cruise ships and shrimp farming."This is the Making Contact show that features Dr. Sylvia Earle. Audio bits that didn't make it into the show can be found on Coral Reef Report.
[iceplant radio]
[Ottmar Liebert]
6:31:03 AM    

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Sherlock Holmes in the Lilly Library
A picture named holmes.jpgBloomington by Gaslight. Now this is a really nice exhibition: Sherlock Holmes in the Lilly Library. Books, manuscripts, illustrations. [The Cartoonist]
7:06:07 AM    

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Tuesday, March 23, 2004

'Burning Like A Silver Flame' II
Lava Flows on Venus (2004 March 23) [Astronomy Picture of The Day]
6:59:22 AM    

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Red Table
Red Table. A picture named Redtable.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
6:54:08 AM    

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Monday, March 22, 2004

Re: Advertising Newsletter
So 30 Seconds Ago. Mailblaster is an online newsletter targeting those who do business with or have an active interest in whats happening on Madison Avenue. More and ... By Henry Jenkins. [Technology Review RSS Blog Feed]
6:47:40 PM    

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On Technorati
New Technorati is Live.

The latest version of Technorati, a blog search engine, has launched. You can read details on what's new from Dave Sifry.

[Dan Gillmor's eJournal]
6:34:13 PM    

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Wind and Solar Energy Prices
Wind and solar experience curves: " with each doubling of world wind-generating capacity, costs fall by 15 percent. The recent growth rate of 31 percent a year means costs are dropping by 15 percent about every 30 months. While natural-gas prices are highly volatile, the cost of wind power is declining. .. [Solar PV] industry experts estimate that with each doubling of cumulative production, the price drops roughly 20 percent. Over the last seven years, solar-cell sales expanded an average of 31 percent annually, doubling every 2.6 years." [Ken Novak: Future energy]
6:45:01 AM    

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Sunday, March 21, 2004

Media Bite-Sized and Napsterized
Napsterize and Bite-Size. Napsterized knowledge is what blogging is all about. I'm giving away a lot of free intellectual capital on Brand Mantra and it's resulted in one great new client and many terrific business contacts. I'm reminded of one pretty good business... [What's Your Brand Mantra?]
12:32:13 PM    

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"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's."
    Billy Wilder (1906 - 2002)
    Film Director

"I steal from every movie ever made."
    Quentin Tarantino (1963 - )
    Film Hack

[Cyndi Greening's Radio Blog]
12:20:55 PM    

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Word of Mouth: More Passengers on the Cluetrain
Cluetrain Conversations. I am currently reading Cluetrain Manifesto. I know I am way late on this one. In the essay "Markets are Conversations" by Doc Searls and David Weinberger, they talk about customers and word of mouth: It's nothing new, in one sense. The only advertising that was ever truly effective was word of mouth. , which is nothing more than conversation. Now word of mouth has gone global. The one-to-many scope that technology brought to mass production and then mass marketing, which producers have enjoyed for two hundred years, is now available to customers. And they're eager to make up for... [A Penny For...]
8:45:23 AM    

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Southwest / Saturday
Sunset Saturday Evening. A picture named Sunset20Mar.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
8:39:08 AM    

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Endangered Condors Increase Numbers (215) - Via Arizona Daily Star
There's hope for giant bird. VERMILION CLIFFS NATIONAL MONUMENT - Four captive-bred California condors were set free Saturday atop a 1,000-foot precipice north of the Grand Canyon, pulling the endangered bird a few more steps... [Arizona Daily Star: Front Page]
8:31:04 AM    

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Neil Young's Super 8 Film, 'Greendale'
Going with the grain. Neil Young is notoriously hard to reach for an interview, but he's not hiding out this time. He has a new film, "Greendale," and he's going full speed ahead to make sure it gets seen, as if he were some kind of Hollywood super-agent. [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
8:13:01 AM    

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Saturday, March 20, 2004

Quicktime Movie Trailer - Casshern
A picture named japan.jpgCasshern. No idea what this is about, it's all in Japanese and comes straight from the Apple Japan Movie Trailers website. But CGI fans should have a look at Casshern, even if the trailer is a 20MB download - it's worth every second. [The Cartoonist]
9:37:29 AM    

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Equinox +1 ~ Tempe, Arizona 2001
Equinox + 1 (2004 March 20) [Astronomy Picture of The Day]
9:21:58 AM    

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Friday, March 19, 2004

flowering 2
The arboretum at Balboa Park is filled with opening flower buds this time of year:

Here are more photographs of orchids and other flowers from the Balboa Botanical Building. [101-365]
6:55:33 AM    

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Distributed Generation
Wind Turbines, Photovoltaics Winners in Distributed Generation Market: " In the distributed generation (DG) industry, most of the fuel cell and microturbine companies reported disappointing results for 2003, as they failed to ship expected unit quantities of their products. Wind turbine and photovoltaic companies, however, experienced extraordinary sales, and are expected to translate these sales into solid market share gains on the competition, finds ABI Research. " [Ken Novak: Future energy]
6:52:44 AM    

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Here's a little green to start your day:

6:50:50 AM    

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Gas Electric Hybrid
Toyota Prius. A picture named Prius2.jpg
This car definitely exceeds my expectations. Apparently Toyota is subsidizing the Prius in order to bring it to the market at this low price. This is a smart investment as they are developing the car rapidly and getting feedback from drivers. I am told that Ford is licensing last year's Hybrid tech from Toyota and that this 2004 model already incorporates a lot of improvements.

The entry system is keyless and no key is needed to start the car. A brief push of the power button is all it takes to get going. The small drive selector resembles a gear shift, but could have been a couple of buttons as it is completely drive by wire. The car is quiet and actually quite zippy.

The bluetooth system built into the car works well. I was able to pair my T610 cellphone with the Prius on the way home from the dealer and downloaded my phonebook into the car in about a minute.

The navigations system seems to work very well. I have had Nav systems in a few rental cars over the years and they always seemed clunky, but this is smooth.

When I got home I fired up a hair dryer to soften the glue/cement used to attach signs + labels to the body and removed all insignia, except the Toyota sign in front and back. They have holes underneath them or I would have taken them off as well...So, if you see a insignia-less Prius, honk because it is probably me.....

I bet that Jon's acoustic bass would fit in the back with the rear seats folded down. This car is amazingly roomy! [Ottmar Liebert]
6:43:36 AM    

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Thursday, March 18, 2004

The Mini Cooper Robot
A picture named photo_2.jpgThe Mini Cooper Robot. Amazing. A proper robot at last? Check out the videos. Via linkfilter.

I first had the vision to build a robot while working as an engineer on the old Mini Coopers in the late 1960s. There were no real robots at the time of course, so it was purely science-fiction. But I always believed a robot would be the most natural complement to the automobile - a full biped, intelligent version having great strength, dexterity and a library of mechanical knowledge. I imagined a robot with the ability to repair vehicles, direct traffic and watch over high-accident crossroads to preempt accidents. [The Cartoonist]
6:40:38 PM    

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Mac OS X Downloads
A picture named pooch.gif

Mac OSX Downloads

While I continue to database catalogs, I also spend time searching Bloglines for exciting tidbits of information. I always find exciting freeware or shareware things at MacOSX Downloads. Today, I found MahJong and a MIDI Percussion Program. I also ordered iLife 4 just to get Garage Band and the updated iDVD.

I am aching to get some digital filmmaking projects going. It is only exacerbated since The Promethean (Kohl Glass's film) took BEST STUDENT SHORT FILM at Cinequest. It gets the fires of creative desire burning white-hot! [Cyndi Greening's Radio Blog]
6:39:37 AM    

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'A Bargain at Any Price' (Sign on the Dotted Line)
New Contract. A picture named Executive.jpg
A record company executive came to visit. He had a new contract for me. He smoked a fat cigar. He was short, but powerful, and his hands and head were glowing. I sent him away. [Ottmar Liebert]
6:34:12 AM    

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Spring Snow in NE United States
Spring Snow, 7AM, West of Boston. Spring Snow today--here are my two sugar maples, enjoying themselves!

[Jim Moore's cybernetics, politics, emergence, etc.]
7:33:10 AM    

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Mitch Abramson, Jones Soda MX Rider
Welcome to Michigan. Brrrrr! The 2004 outdoor race season is now underway! Log Road hosted an open ride on Saturday (3/13) and a race on 3/14. Guess what? It was 18 degrees on Saturday morning and Mitch was out of bed the minute... [Mitch Abramson (Emerging MX Rider)]
7:31:33 AM    

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ottmar Liebert in Santa Fe
Another photo of my guitar. A picture named DeVoe2.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
10:38:01 PM    

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P2P Information Sharing
P2P in the US Gov't. /. reports that the Department of Homeland Security has selected Groove Networks P2P infrastructure for sharing information among its staff members. Groove’s website provides the core info: Groove Networks Inc., a leading provider of secure virtual office software that lets... [datacloud]
10:36:09 PM    

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Happy St. Patrick's Day (Via PR Opinions)
PR Opinions on vacation for St. Patrick's Day (March 17th).

[PR Opinions]
9:08:06 PM    

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The 90's Continue - More Urge Overkill Dates
U.R.G.E. - just announced: FRIDAY,. U.R.G.E. - just announced: FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND @ THE PATIO (INDIANAPOLIS, IN) w/The Pieces SATURDAY, APRIL 17TH @ THE CONTINENTAL... [Homeland Obscurity (music notes)]
7:43:18 AM    

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JSR-241: Groovy ? A New Standard Programming Language for the Java Platform. Creating a new, standard language for the Java Platform [ Weblogs]
6:49:19 AM    

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Monday, March 15, 2004

RSS and BitTorrent
RSS news syndication + BitTorrent file sharing = a new channel for movie distribution. A demo publishing system launched Friday by a popular programmer and blogger merges two of this season's hottest tech fads -- RSS news syndication and BitTorrent file sharing -- to create a cheap publishing system for what its author calls Big Media Objects. [Scripting News]

• Speed Meets Feed in Download Tool. Big files are a pain for sender and receiver. A programmer proposes a slick solution: a marriage of RSS and BitTorrent. [Wired News] [Cinema Minima]
6:17:47 PM    

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How Information Travels In Blogosphere
Useful Viral Marketing Flowchart. How Information Travels In Blogosphere. A quick follow-up to Wired’s article on blogs and viral marketing: check out this map of how information travels on the Internet [Viral Marketing Blog] [Cinema Minima]
6:14:06 PM    

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The Edge of Real
The Edge of Real.


That's a photo from the far edge of Real de Catorce. Its about a 15 minute walk to the far side of town where you enter through a 3km long mining tunnel, one lane wide. The road continues out on the other side of town, but I never saw a single car on it.

[Abstract Dynamics]
6:35:36 AM    

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Beat Suite Tone
Lacy and friends give a tune to the Beat Generation's tone. It would take a subtler critic than this one to truly trace the influence, the neurological effect, that jazz had on the writers of the Beat Generation -- a critic as subtle, perhaps, as the soprano saxophonist Steve Lacy, who in his 50-year career in jazz has moved from Sidney Bechet-inspired Dixieland, through the avant-gardism of Cecil Taylor's band, to ... [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
6:29:00 AM    

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A picture named precious.gifFunny. In fact, very funny. Cartoons by the Belgian artist Lectrr. [The Cartoonist]
6:22:46 AM    

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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Abstract Dynamics - William Blaze in Austin, TX
Live From SxSW.


[Abstract Dynamics]
11:42:42 AM    

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'A Blogging Inferno'
Now Showing.
8:47:57 AM    

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Burning It Down at Starbucks
--- BusinessWeek has learned that on Mar. 16, the Seattle coffee giant will unveil an in-store music service allowing customers to do just that, using Hewlett-Packard tablet computers to make their choices. The first musical Starbucks opens in Santa Monica, Calif., and the service will expand into 2,500 stores over the next two years. "This is not a test," says Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz. "We're going for it.'' ---

"Starbucks reportedly to offer music burning service in up to 2,500 stores" [Daypop Top 40]
8:36:09 AM    

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Hawaiian Music and Hula Archives [Eye of the Goof]
8:01:03 AM    

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Saturday, March 13, 2004

Audio: Dave Winer at NextMedia Conference
Blog software author Dave Winer was interviewed at the NextMedia Conference in Canada last October. Some very interesting topics are covered. It's available for listening online at:
6:32:43 PM    

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E=mc^2 in Boston
Science Museum takes a smart look at Einstein. There it was -- the "A-ha!" moment, that flash of the cerebral light bulb. A kinetic sculpture showing how the rate at which time passes depends on the frame of reference (i.e. time is relative) presented the concept with such clarity that confusion was finally replaced with a satisfied, "OK, now I get it." [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
8:57:24 AM    

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Friday, March 12, 2004

PIECES - Jarrod Whaley
PIECES by Jarrod Whaley premieres 2004 March 27. PIECES by Jarrod WhaleyPieces, Jarrod Whaley's sixth short film, will première 2004 March 27 at the Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA Regional History Museum, on a split-bill with saxophonist Philip Johnston and the Shaking Ray Levis. The show will be held in the cavernous space on Broad... [Jarrod Whaley: Filming the Scenic City] [Cinema Minima]
6:40:21 PM    

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Thursday, March 11, 2004

DeVoe Negra. A picture named DeVoe3.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
10:50:58 PM    

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Developments in Quantum Computing
"The key is that the cadmium atom can be both on and off at the same time. This ambiguity is what gives quantum computers their edge over the humble desktop, because it allows a group of atoms to store an enormous amount of information, which they can share through entanglement."

Quantum computing gets a step closer. Researchers have created the flying qubit. [Nature Science Update]
7:12:39 PM    

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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Ocean Wave Energy Converter

Ocean Power Delivery Limited: "Ocean Power Delivery Ltd has developed a novel offshore wave energy converter called Pelamis. Building on technology developed for the offshore industry, the Pelamis has a similar output to a modern wind turbine... It is anticipated that future `wave farm' projects would consist of an arrangement of interlinked multi-machines connected to shore by a single subsea cable. A typical 30MW installation would occupy a square kilometre of ocean .. "  The final full-scale prototype machine is built and being prepared for initial sea trials which will begin at the beginning of March.

Animation available.  News story summarizes operation:  "The 750 kW Pelamis machine measures 120m long by 3.5m wide (about the size of four train carriages) .. [It] is a semi-submerged, articulated structure composed of cylindrical sections linked by hinged joints. The wave-induced motion of these joints is resisted by hydraulic rams, which pump high-pressure oil through hydraulic motors via smoothing accumulators. The hydraulic motors drive electrical generators to produce electricity. Power from all the joints is fed down a single umbilical cable to a junction on the sea bed. Several devices can be connected together and linked to shore through a single seabed cable.  A novel joint configuration is used to induce a tuneable, cross-coupled resonant response, which greatly increases power capture in small seas..

The machine is held in position by a mooring system, for which a patent has been applied for, comprising of a combination of floats and weights which prevent the mooring cables becoming taut .. Ideally the Pelamis would be moored in waters approximately 50-60m in depth (often 5-10km from the shore). This would allow access to the great potential of the larger swell waves but it would avoid the costs involved in a longer submarine cable .. the prototype design [meets] (DNV) offshore codes and standards."

[Ken Novak: Future energy]
6:10:55 PM    

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Deutschland Grid
Germany plugs into national grid. The German government launches the Deutschland Grid, or D-Grid, a multi-year effort with IBM to use grid computing to tackle scientific research. [CNET - Front Door]
5:52:25 PM    

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Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Happy Birthday Ornette Coleman
Happy Birthday Ornette. wood s lot thoughtfully reminds us ... Today is harmolodic philosopher and jazz pioneer Ornette Coleman's 74th birthday ... "... human existence exists on a multiple level, not just on a... [TeledyN]
9:20:17 PM    

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Mediaburn Word of the Day: Steranko
STERANKO. Just in case you didn't know what we're talking about, here's some Steranko. See The Art of James Steranko.... [k-punk]
8:03:32 PM    

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101-365, Corner Pocket
Rear curtain pool action

These photos were done with a 1/10 second exposure and a rear curtain synced flash. The flash was given 2/3rds of a stop less and the exposure was cut by a full stop to create the 'trail' look. [101-365]
6:35:47 AM    

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Monday, March 8, 2004

Cinema Minima on (Available as RSS Feed)
New Cinema Minima Tribe RSS news feed. Cinema Minima's Tribe (discussion group) at is available as an automated news feed in the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) format. If you have a news aggregator/reader, such as NetNewsWire which supports feed: URLs <A HREF="">click here to subscribe to the Cinema Minima Tribe news feed; otherwise, right-click or Control-click this link to copy the RSS URL then Paste it into your news aggregator/reader application. [Cinema Minima]
8:12:15 PM    

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Sunday, March 7, 2004

Photos From Mike Lee
Picturing Michelle. Today I broke my run of photographing women whose names begin with the letter "J" with Jodi's friend Michelle.... [curiousLee]
10:20:02 PM    

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SnoCountry Reports Latest Skiing Conditions Information
SnoCountry Reports Latest Skiing Conditions via Yahoo News.
8:23:24 AM    

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Saturday, March 6, 2004

More Journeys at the Smithsonian
A picture named 3-31-Baker.jpgBon Voyage. Journeys over land & sea. Journeys of the mind. Journeys of the imagination. Wonderful exhibition. [The Cartoonist]
8:37:57 AM    

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Exhibition: Expedition of Lewis and Clark
Exploring an expedition's intellectual life. Most of us think of the Lewis and Clark expedition as an adventure in the great outdoors, like the conquest of Mount Everest or the South Pole. But a small gem of an exhibition at the Boston Athenaeum shows it to be something quite different: an intellectual enterprise, a quest for learning like Darwin's voyage on the Beagle or today's ... [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
8:12:01 AM    

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Friday, March 5, 2004

Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - 99 Different Recordings Online
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers' Universal Music Catalog Goes Digital. Press release: "The Universal Music Enterprises (UMe) Petty catalog is now available for digital downloading in the most significant and comprehensive artist-specific campaign of its kind for UMe." [DigitalConsumer News]
9:18:05 AM    

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Thursday, March 4, 2004

Information Flow: New Zealand --> U.S. --> .............
There is no End User.

That is the revelation that hit me a couple of days ago. There is no End User in Information Flow (which is a term I am using a lot these days, along with "Bottom-Up Knowledge Management"). It took a 1997 presentation to tell me this.

In the article I'm currently writing for Digital Web Magazine, I mention that in the mid-90's websites were designed for "viewers", or an "audience" - which is broadcasting terminology. However since the turn of the century, it's been all about Users Users Users. We're supposed to design websites for "customers" or people who will "use" them.

Nowadays, weblogs and wikis are all about reading and writing. It's a constant flow and information doesn't have a destination. There is no End User.

When we write and publish, we may well be targeting a group of people who will use our content in a specific way. That's certainly still true of most corporate websites and intranets. Maybe some weblogs too. But weblogs are also perhaps showing the way it will be in the future. With weblogs, our readers don't just "use" information - they re-mix it, add to it, edit it, comment on it, dis it, transform it, link it, pass it on, etc. The word "use" doesn't really do justice to all these activities. Don't you think? I'd be interested in your feedback.

[Read/Write Web]
7:17:12 AM    

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Boston Globe Living Via RSS - Zeppolis For Dessert
Fourth course: Zeppolis. 3 eggs 1 pound of ricotta [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
6:39:32 AM    

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Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Loudeye Acquires Overpeer
Loudeye snags antipiracy start-up. The digital music services provider acquires Overpeer, a company dealing in antipiracy services for record companies and digital content distributors. [CNET - Front Door]
9:31:56 AM    

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Monday, March 1, 2004

Mediaburn Snowboard Digest Vol. 1
A picture named SnowboardCover3.jpg

Mediaburn Snowboard Digest. Includes "The History of Snowboard Zines", "The Art of Sticker Placement" and more!
6:42:49 PM    

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Adobe PDF/E (Engineering)
PDF to get an engineering edit [CNET - Front Door]
3:22:23 PM    

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More on Music and Other Media

Music Connections

Music-related links are the topic of the day. Music marketing information can be found at Buzz Factor. Another resource is Music Business Solutions for information on marketing and selling your music. A great place to find alternative and smaller distributors' CDs is CD Baby.

Also Music to my Ears: Without A Box is now FREE to filmmakers. Formerly $70 annually, the festival registration service gets its primary funding from festivals. This is GREAT news! (Thanks to Kohl Glass for the update on that one!)

How Did I Miss This? A picture named shush.jpg A student from Scottsdale Community College had a short film in the 2004 Sundance film festival. Larry Blackhorse Lowe had Shush in the Indigenous Shorts category. The film also appears to have appeared in the AIFI (American Indian Film Institute) in San Francisco, the Native Voice Film Festival in South Dakota, Canada's Image Nation Film Festival and The New York International Independent Film & Video Festival.
[Cyndi Greening's Radio Blog]
1:17:09 PM    

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Web conferencing market heats up. Market leader WebEx announces an alliance with, while Macromedia offers free trials of its new Breeze service. [CNET - Front Door]
1:13:54 PM    

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[Abstract Dynamics]
12:58:01 PM    

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Books Via Cyndi Greening
A picture named goodbooks.jpg

Batch of Good Books

Anyone who has taken a design class from me knows that I am a BIG fan of John McWade's Before & After Magazine. I would always refer students to his website, PageLab.Com and urge them to subscribe to his publication. Now, many of the best projects in the magazine have been compiled in a book. Very worthwhile!

In the realm of film production, well, there's always a slew of new books coming out. Lately, I'm looking at $30 Film School. That's pretty good. Ross gave me Digital Filmmaking 101. I'm fond of this book because it's written by a couple of dudes from Wisconsin. Economy and necessity would have to drive their filmmaking! [Cyndi Greening's Radio Blog]
12:44:06 PM    

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ol - source
Wall and shadow. A picture named Wall.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
9:22:02 AM    

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RSS moves closer to mainstream....

Well RSS gots some well deserved attention during the weekend with an AP story  "Enthusiasts Call Web Feed Next Big Thing".

The story prompted some lively discussion on Slashdot and PR blogger Greg Brooks bravely got involved.

The story is very upbeat and features practically every major blogger on the Internet...

"Remember when you first starting seeing URLs appear on billboards and at the end of movie trailers?" Zawodny wrote in his blog in December. "It's going to be like that. One day we're just going to look around and realize that RSS is popping up all over the place. And a couple years later, we'll all wonder how we ever got along without it."

Of course RSS isn't mainstream, you could argue (in awful 1990's parlance) it hasn't even crossed the chasm, but it's certainly reached the edge.

What does this mean for PR people? Right now it's still in it's early stages, but it's no harm to begin offering corporate news over RSS. You might be surprised with the results.

[PR Opinions]
9:18:01 AM    

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Update From Self-Publishers Event Council of Chicago
Okay folks, we need readers IMMEDIATELY for upcoming events:

Saturday, March 13 at Mojoe's Cafe Lounge (2256 W. Roscoe, Chicago) After the roaring success of our Friday, Feb. 13 show, it looks like we are going to be producing monthly shows at the friendly and relaxed Mojoe's Cafe Lounge. This show is going to be hosted by the inimitable Emerson Dameron, and the theme of this reading event is "Bad Habits."

Saturday, April 10 at Mojoe's Cafe Lounge (2256 W. Roscoe, Chicago) Host and theme t.b.a., but if you're available and are up to the challenge, let us know. If you are really brave and would like to host & come up with a theme for the reading, give us a holler....

Saturday, April 24 at the WLUW Record & Zine Fair, Pulaski Park Fieldhouse in Wicker Park (1419 W. Blackhawk; corner of Blackhawk & Noble, Chicago) The entire event runs from 10 am - 6 pm, during which SPEC Chicago will be providing a variety of readings, workshops and panels:

The schedule is as follows: 10:00-11:20 am: workshop - "how to make a zine" group zine project 11:30-12:50 pm: panel - "Radio Station panel" 1:00-1:50 pm: readings - [6 to 8 readers] 2:00-3:20 pm: workshop - "how to workshop a zine - the basics of critical analysis" 3:30-4:50 pm: panel - "FCC panel" 5:00-6:00 pm: readings - [6 to 8 readers]

If you are interested in reading in the 1 pm or 5 pm time slot, or in either workshop or panel, please contact us ASAP!!! This is going to be a huge event, with over one thousand people expected during the day. As Shawn Campbell, Program Director at WLUW 88.7 FM indicated: "We have set table rentals for the event at $50 for a 6 foot table. The record fair is a fundraiser for WLUW. Vendors keep 100% of what they sell - WLUW makes its money off table rental and admission at the door ($7, $5 with flyer)." She also mentioned to me giving a discount on the table cost to members of / participants in SPEC Chicago, as we're organizing eight hours of programming to round out the event, and to bring more self-publishing friendly folks out to support the cause of community radio (& find all kinds of great deals on records, printed matter, and most good flea market-type finds). If you're interested in getting a table or going-in with another person/group for a table at a reduced rate, please let me know, and we'll see what kinda deal can be swung. Cool?

contact: Brent Ritzel, 773.269.2918,,

And don't forget to attend these upcoming events:

Tuesday, March 2 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at DePaul University (Schmitt Academic Center [SAC] room 154, 2320 N. Kenmore Avenue in Chicago). SPEC Chicago, in conjunction with DePaul University's radio station (WRDP at, presents an evening of readings featuring a variety of Chicago-area self-publishing luminaries. This event will be filmed by the DePaul TV station, on only their second day of existence. This is an all-ages, free show (though we strongly encourage donations). Contact Brent Ritzel at or call him at 773.269.2918 for more information. hosted by Brandon Wetherbee (WRDP program director, Foul Inc. - Emerson Dameron (Kazoo zine - Mitchell Szczepanczyk (Chicago Media Action - Louis Silverstein (Columbia College professor) Alicia Dorr (Random Life In Progress zine, Zine Guide - Brent Ritzel (Zine Guide, Tail Spins Magazine - Kurt Heintz (E-poets Network - Aaron Cynic (Diatribe zine - Keight Sandler (Backstabber zine - Billy Roberts (Her & Proot I Exist zines, Loop Zine Distro - Andrew Mall (Living Proof zine - David David Katzman (author of ©[macron]Death By Zamboni©[breve] novel - Jeremy P. Bushnell ( Michelle Aiello (Inidgo zine) Matt Fagan (Meniscus zine) Dan Rockwood (independent writer, Zine Guide webmaster -

Saturday, March 20 from 8:00 to 11:00 pm at the Independent Video Alliance (7009 N. Glenwood, Chicago). SPEC Chicago is co-sponsoring a benefit for Redline Radio (99.1 FM reaching Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown, Evanston and Lincolnwood), featuring an evening of irrelevant films and irreverant readings. This is an all-ages show with a $5 cover charge. Contact Brent Ritzel at or call him at 773.269.2918 for more information. readers include: Al Burian (Burn Collector zine) Emerson Dameron (Kazoo zine) Brent Ritzel (Zine Guide, Tail Spins Magazine) Alicia Dorr (Random Life In Progress zine, Zine Guide) Noah Berlatsky (publisher of "Angry White Clerihew") Dan Rockwood (Vanilla Virus zine) ...and others to be announced!

Friday, April 16 in the evening at Ann Sather (929 W. Belmont in Chicago). SPEC Chicago is co-sponsoring Gapers' Block Party II with the popular local web magazine ( This huge knockout dragout party will feature more readings PLUS A WHOLE LOT MORE. Contact Brent Ritzel at or call him at 773.269.2918 for more information. readers include: Larry O. Dean ( Wendy McClure ( Emerson Dameron (Kazoo zine) Aaron Cynic (Diatribe zine) Keight Sandler (Backstabber zine) Alicia Dorr (Random Life In Progress zine, Zine Guide)> Brent Ritzel (Zine Guide, Tail Spins Magazine) Michelle Aiello (Inidgo zine) ...and others to be annouced

Love you all, send any questions our way... and get back to us ASAP concerning your interest in reading at one or more of the above events.

Brent Ritzel & the various other entities that inhabit the SPEC Chicago space 773.269.2918 - Brent's phone number
8:19:16 AM    

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© Copyright 2009 Gary Santoro. Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.
Last update: 11/26/09; 9:41:36 PM.