Updated: 11/26/09; 10:20:49 PM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Sunday, June 27, 2004

Catchy Title - 'Banana Republicans'
Long gone are Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

"Banana Republicans" on The Hill. Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber spoke with The Hill recently aboutt their new book Banana Republicans: How the Right Wing Is Turning America Into a One-Party State. [PR Watch's Spin of the Day]
8:26:12 PM    

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the wine of memory

Oasis In The Desert 

Cascading_CenturiesYou would think that a place such as this, far out into the desert and under a scorching hot summer sun, would be devoid of all but the sparsest of water. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, nearly everywhere I went, I found some of the liquid gold. All you need do was search the rocks for a glint of green, and there, in between the crags and cracks where some plant took a foothold, water was also. My next stop in the canyon was Weeping Rock, a short hike from the canyon road up a winding path to an overhang dripping with water. So much so that moss and other vegatation hung everywhere like a hanging garden. I had been told by the driver that this water was actually seeping through the pourous sandstone from high above on the mesa and that it took an amazing 2000 years to once again appear as it wept from this precipice. So intrigued with this revelation that, for a short time, I followed its meandering to this tiny cascade which appeared and ferns grew. Under_The_Falls

My next stop was a daunting trek to The Emerald Pools.This hike was probably the most strenuous thus far, but moreso because it began about noon when the sun was on high and the temperture even higher. On this journey, one encounters many degrees of elevation change as well as vegatation and animal life. The end reward for just such an expedition is the sight of the three emerald pools, neatly tucked away from those who do not wish to venture into the near "backcountry". Pool number one, was not so spectacular for its size or color, but rather the fact that it was fed by a several hundred foot waterfall. It fell not like a driving force, but more like a gentle sprinkling from overhead. Here I stood under it arc and wondered at this amazing sight taking this photo. Onward I climbed the ever steep path, through rock and hand-hewn steps made from 4 inch sandstone blocks. Around hairpin twists and turns, through scrub and sage, and darting between shade and sun.


Soon I found myself at pool number two. Once again not as overwelmed by its beauty as I was for the fact that it slowly flowed towards the slope of the cliff I was now standing on, and over its rocky edge. For it was this pool which was, infact, the maternal entity which fed the waterfall that shortly before, I was standing beneath. Once again, I trekked on and now the path narrowed considerably, gave way to a much more strongly inclined trail and was in full sun. Heat of this nature can drain even the best natural reserves, so I stopped often to partake of copious amounts of water which I had brought along. At one of these stopping points I found a large boulder directly in my path and atop it, many cairns placed there by previous passerbys. I too added my declaration to this landmark memorial and pressed on.Tadpole_Territory

Ultimately, I attained my lofty goal, the third and final emerald pool. Situated under towering cliffs and dotted with huge boulders, there before me was a very large, dark limped green pool. Its surface as calm as glass, I could not help but move toward and eventually enter its cooling waters. There below the surface was a very fine grained, sandy bottom and my eye caught a slight motion under the water. Upon closer inspection, I found that this alpine pond contained a thriving population of medium sized tadpoles. Oblivious to my presence, they wiggled and squirmed in the warm shallows near the edges of this pristine pool. For perhaps an hour, I sat there in the shade of a nearby live-oak and contemplated this place. High above the canyon floor and seemingly far from all society, I listened intently to the sounds of the wind and a faint hawks cry from high up the rock wall face. This was indeed, a mountain oasis!

Today's Quote:

Are you not the oasis where I dream, and the gourd from which I drink in long draughts the wine of memory?-Charles Baudelaire

[Days Come and Days Go]
6:39:25 PM    

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Greg Kot and Jeff Tweedy as Guests "On the Media"
A must-listen-to segment of NPR's On The Media about the new reality of the music industry and the role the Internet plays in keeping fans of Wilco and RadioHead supplied with the latest tunes from the bands. Do they pay if they like the music? Yeah they do. [Scripting News]
5:22:58 PM    

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Rare Digital Books
Octavo is really something. I personally own an Octavo copy of Benjamin Franklin's Experiments and Observations on Electricity on CD. - Editor

Rare Digital Books.

I was very happy to notice the other day that Octavo, purveyor of rare digital books, has apparently survived the .COM implosion.

Octavo offers high-quality PDF images of a variety of old and rare books at very reasonable prices. For example, here is an example from Mercator's Atlas, published in 1595:

[altas sample image]

Among the other volumes available: Newton's Opticks, Franklin's Experiments and Observations on Electricity, The Gutenberg Bible, and works by Galileo, Copernicus, Blake, Milton, Chaucer, and Shakespeare, to name several.

I own a copy of Bodoni's Tipografico, published in 1818 -- of interest to anyone into typography. And a copy of Jones' The Grammar of Ornament, published in 1856. Here is one beautiful page from this book:

[grammar of ornament]

I've found Octavo's offerings to be a nice way to enjoy beautiful works that I'll likely never see in person and certainly never have in my library.

[Sun Bloggers]
5:08:07 PM    

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Eats in Phoenix - Chicago Hamburger Company
Chicago Hamburger Company, home of the Original Windy City Slider. 3749 E. Indian School Road - Phoenix, Arizona

Print the Menu!
4:45:29 PM    

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Live Wilco MP3
Wilco's site is offering up a live version of "Hell is Chrome" in the popular mp3 format. Link via DoneWaiting.com
3:41:20 PM    

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You Decide: The "F"-Word or the E-Word
So which is it, the f-word or the e-word?

From Slate magazine, last December - Dick Cheney says the E-word.

Picture of the 2003 Holiday Card from Cheney.
1:41:58 PM    

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Vice Presidential Buzzword
Dick Cheney's swearing is the popular topic on the internet this morning:


It was said the George Washington sweared a lot, at least on the battlefield. Perhaps it was the Spirit of '76 that got into Cheney?
9:40:37 AM    

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Achtung - Short Story #4
Short Story of the week [4].

A picture named Roper-4.gif
[The Cartoonist]
8:45:20 AM    

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The monsoon mystery. This upcoming season may go down in history as the year meteorologists finally began to figure out the Mexican monsoon, the least understood weather event in North America. A fleet of more than 90... [Arizona Daily Star: Front Page]
8:35:11 AM    

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Book Review: The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin
Patriot Act. The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin By Gordon S. Wood [Boston Globe -- Living / Arts News]
8:30:58 AM    

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