John Tai - Italian Born Chinese
Merry Christmas 2007!
This was our first family Christmas and it was real fun. Last year Logan was too young, but this time we had the tree and decorations, we had a nice catered dinner (I had so much to eat!) and then we opened presents. Mostly we watched Logan open his presents, he was obviously at the center of the attention. Here are some photos:
Questo e[base '] stato il primo Natale in famiglia. L[base ']anno scorso Logan era troppo piccolo, quindi non abbiamo festeggiato. Questa volta invece abbiamo albero e decorazioni, cena abbondante con famiglia, ed infine i regali. Soprattutto i regali per Logan, ci siamo seduti in un circolo a guardare Logan aprire i suoi regali. Ecco alcune foto:
I hope you all had a nice Christmas too, Happy Holidays!!
Spero che anche voi abbiate avuto un felice Natale. Tanti auguri a tutti!!
[Italian Born Chinese]
7:09:00 PM