The Masked Lady of Broadway...
The Masked Lady of Broadway.
If you look above the doorway of the Trinity Building at 111 Broadway...
You'll see this row of faces staring down on you...
Well, all except for one. Can anyone explain why this woman has her face covered in such an odd way?
The Trinity Building, along with its sister building at 117, are two of my favorite buildings in lower Manhattan. Designed in "broken Gothic" architecture to match Trinity Church just south of it (you can see the Trinity graveyard in the first picture), the construction of the two buildings actually required the relocation of Thames Street, evident on a street map.
The building is covered in awesome Gothic detail, with lots of gargoyles and grotesques like these two...
Closer view...
...Another view...
On either side of the door are these great gold dragons...
But who is the lady with the masked face? Why is only her mouth exposed? Is she blind, or is it meant to signify something more insidious? And is the masonry just crumbling, or is the guy on the right missing an eye?
PS - Does the center "King" head remind anyone else of the weird king mascot Burger King has been using recently?
[Scouting NY]
6:34:56 PM