Updated: 4/20/06; 9:33:47 PM

Carrying the Lantern

 Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hugh on Blogs. His Insights Continue to Amaze & Delight Me

Bill R.: Hugh Macleod of Gaping Void (growing) fame is so good. This was just too easy, once he created it!

i don't have a blog

i don't have a blog.jpg

[Click on image to enlarge/download/print etc. Licensing terms here etc.]

- hugh (contact@gapingvoid.com) [gapingvoid]
- Posted by William A. Riski - 9:30:23 PM - comment []

Nice NASA Video of Merging Black Holes

Bill R.: Check out the last link (video). Wonder how long this simulated event really takes?

NASA's new breakthrough in black hole simulation. Xeni Jardin: Snip from NASA announcement:
According to Einstein's math, when two massive black holes merge, all of space jiggles like a bowl of Jell-O as gravitational waves race out from the collision at light speed. Previous simulations had been plagued by computer crashes. The necessary equations, based on Einstein's theory of general relativity, were far too complex. But scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., have found a method to translate Einstein's math in a way that computers can understand
Link, and space-o-licious MPEG video here: link. (Thanks, John Parres)

[Boing Boing]
- Posted by William A. Riski - 9:13:43 PM - comment []