Monday, July 05, 2004

Why oh why would the writers of Radio, the blog software I use, decide that it's a good idea to have a separate homeTemplate for each category by default? Why would anyone want this? They wouldn't. This should be an option, not a requirement. Since it's a requirement, you get what I've got which is different categories are rendered different ways even though I never chose for them to be rendered differently. Content Management Systems should make publishing easier not harder. Now I have to go in and modify each template in the categories that are wrong manually. If my mom had a blog and she used Radio, there's not freaking way she'd be able to figure this out. This is asinine. What a complete waste of my time.
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It's rapidly becoming clear that the presumptive Democratic candidate for the President of the United States is a middling policitian at best. Tom Maguire notes this in Kerry's belief that life begins at conception. It's entirely possible to believe the life begins at conception but that the people of the US have the right to make laws regarding abortion. However, a politician who believes that life begins at conception surely wouldn't do things to advocate and promote abortion. Kerry has done exactly that in his votes in the Senate and his statements on his website mirror those votes.

In a time when the country truly needs strong leadership and strong debate on the direction of our country, the Democrats seem to have chosen the man least likely to fulfill the role. Why did this happen? It surely can't be a hatred of Bush because Dean was the epitome of that and he got canned quickly. Why was Kerry seen as more electable? I believe it's because people knew so little about him and they got scared by the Dean Scream and Gephardt's protectionism. What they are surely finding out is that Kerry is no winner, a man who can't even adequately stake out a place for himself that is consistent. He seems to always want it both ways, unable to choose for fear it will be the wrong choice. Insecurity and uncertainty are not qualities we will need in our fight on against those who want to destroy civilization. Kerry seems to lack the strong leadership and decisiveness that Bush has shown in times of need. In the end, this is probably what will cost him the election.
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