
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Click "comments" to add your two cents, unless those two cents are a bug report or feature request, in which case we kindly request that you email bugs@oddpost.com or features@oddpost.com. Finally, note that if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Thursday, January 16, 2003

Was it a bug, or is it a feature? We don't know, but when you forward a message that contains attachments, the attachments now come along for the ride. Finally!
comment [] 2:54:06 PM    

You are, of course, far too popular to ever have nothing in your Inbox, so you will not be interested to know that if you had absolutely nothing in your Inbox, then checked your mail, you'd get an error, which is now fixed.
comment [] 1:11:08 PM    

You return home after an evening of one too many Kir Royales and are overcome by the sudden urge to check your email. But instead of entering your username as "partyboy," you accidentally type "pantyboy" and click Log In. Suddenly your life is thrown into utter turmoil, for an alert now appears claiming that an error has occurred on the server. Fortunately for us, you then pass out onto your keyboard and remember none of this in the morning, and by the following weekend, when you have two too many Kir Royales and make the same typo, the bug is fixed. It's true -- if you enter an invalid username, we now gently inform you of the error of your ways, not ours (though Lord knows our ways are not wanting for errors).

Speaking of which, if you just returned from the lobotomist and entered your username as "partyboy@oddpost.com" rather than just "partyboy," we also threw up an error. Not wishing to discriminate against anyone, least of all the recently lobotomized, we now happily allow you to log in with "@oddpost.com" appended to your username. But we subtly suggest that this is unnecessary by putting "@oddpost.com" next to the username field on the splash page.
comment [] 1:05:28 PM    

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