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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Kendrick, Michael J. Levels of Empowerment, Planet Advocacy, Issue Number 7, March 2004, pp 6-7.

daily link  Thursday, May 08, 2003

Agency Adapts Innovative Treatment Model for Young Adults
Mental Health Weekly article at Medscape on the Our Town Integrated Service Agency (Our Town ISA) in Indiana - "The program is an adaptation of the pioneering and now 12-year-old Village ISA in Long Beach, Calif., which is run by the Mental Health Association in Los Angeles County and serves people with serious mental illness. Our Town's philosophy blends intensive case management according to an assertive community treatment (ACT) model with the 'strengths model' developed at the University of Kansas that emphasizes abilities and de-emphasizes disabilities. The goal of such programs is to enable people with serious mental illness to live in the most independent housing possible, engage in productive activity such as work or education, and make decisions for their lives day-to-day and for the long term." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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U.S. Lags in Treating Mental Illness
Story at HealthScout on new research published in the journal Health Affairs - "The United States has a greater percentage of mentally ill citizens than some other countries but typically provides less treatment for their problems, new research has found. The study, which compared five nations in the Americas and Europe, found the United States had the highest prevalence of people who report some form of emotional trouble, at nearly 30 percent." See also the article in Health Affairs, Common Concerns Amid Diverse Systems: Health Care Experiences In Five Countries (Adobe Acrobat).  
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Patients suffer when mental health services switched
Reuters story - "Health insurance programs that use subcontractors to provide mental health services may be saving money at the expense of patient care, researchers said on Wednesday. Duke University researchers looked at what happened when Tennessee's Medicaid program subcontracted, or 'carved out,' its mental health treatment programs in 1996. They found that the number of people not getting the treatment they needed increased by 18 percent." See also Transition to mental health carveouts disrupts care for most fragile, a Vanderbilt University Medical Center press release about a study in the May 8 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine that "describes the disruptive effects that a transition to a mental health 'carveout' system in Tennessee had on antipsychotic therapy for people with schizophrenia, and how lessons about the chaotic transition could help other states' programs."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.