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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Webhealth has been specifically developed to provide access for people to connect with Health and Social Services. This web-based approach builds on the strengths of people and families to determine their support needs. Within the Webhealth website is Linkage. Linkage is a partnership between an NGO, Pathways; primary health care, Pinnacle; and a secondary provider/hospital, Health Waikato. It offers early intervention services with a “one stop shop” in central Hamilton and New Plymouth.

daily link  Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Potential Impact of the Final Rules for Medicaid Managed Care on the Washington Public Mental Health System
A white paper (in Adobe Acrobat format) from MCPP Healthcare Consulting Inc., available at the Open Minds web site - "In the last decade the Washington State mental health system has been operating under a set of "working assumptions" related to the State’s Integrated Mental Health Services Medicaid 1915 (b) managed care waiver. In June of 2002, with the publication of the federal Final Rules for Medicaid Managed Care, a new 'Rule Book' was created that turns these 'working assumptions' on their heads and brings new and important challenges to the Washington mental health system."  
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Medscape Journal Scan: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October 2003
Articles from the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, JAMA, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Archives of General Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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Mood disorders
A new Medscape CME from the 16th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress; September 20 - 24, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic - "There has been renewed focus on the burden of depressive symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder. Historically, the treatment of bipolar disorder has mainly focused on controlling manic symptoms. However, the renewed recognition of the significant burden of depressive symptoms in bipolar patients represents a big change in the treatment of this disease." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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MEDLINE Abstracts: Violence Against Women - Intervention
From Medscape Ob/Gyn & Women's Health, this "easy-to-navigate collection of recent MEDLINE abstracts focuses on interventions for women who have been exposed to violence." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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The draft Mental Health Bill: an assessment of the implications for mental health service organisations (UK)
A report (in Adobe Acrobat format) from the NHS Confederation - " The 2002 draft Mental Health Bill proposed extensive reform relating to mental health, particularly regarding compulsion and detention. The subsequent consultation period led to much opposition to the proposed changes from key organisations, professionals, carers and service users. It is anticipated that a revised bill will be introduced in the near future. The NHS Confederation continues to be fully engaged, working with other bodies and groups to assess possible implications. This publication is a summary of the main report and is a valuable appraisal of the legislative proposals as they stand at present, and will provide a helpful basis for initial or further discussion at all levels of the service." See also Mental Health Bill proposals could cause staffing crisis, a story on the report at Health and Care.  
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Superiority of New Schizophrenia Drug Challenged
Health Day News story at Yahoo - "Bucking previous reports, new research suggests that a state-of-the-art drug to treat schizophrenia doesn't earn its significant premium when compared with an older and much cheaper medication. Earlier research had found that the newer drug, olanzapine, was worth its almost $8 a day more per patient than the most frequently prescribed medication, haloperidol, because olanzapine reduces symptoms and prevents psychotic relapses better. And experts have argued that while olanzapine and its ilk cost more than older drugs, they save money over time by reducing hospitalizations and other health care expenses."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.