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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Webhealth has been specifically developed to provide access for people to connect with Health and Social Services. This web-based approach builds on the strengths of people and families to determine their support needs. Within the Webhealth website is Linkage. Linkage is a partnership between an NGO, Pathways; primary health care, Pinnacle; and a secondary provider/hospital, Health Waikato. It offers early intervention services with a “one stop shop” in central Hamilton and New Plymouth.

daily link  Thursday, January 22, 2004

Protection and Advocacy Agencies: Involvement in Deinstitutionalization Lawsuits on Behalf of Individuals with Development Disabilities
GAO report made available through the Open Minds web site - "Lawsuits related to deinstitutionalization brought on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities are a small part of P&As’ overall activities for this population. GAO identified 24 such lawsuits that P&As filed, joined, or intervened in from 1975 through 2002. During the same period, P&As filed or intervened in 6 of these lawsuits in the three states GAO reviewed— California, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Three of the 6 were settled as class actions; the other 3 were intended, but not settled, as class actions. One is ongoing, one was dismissed, and one was settled by multiparty agreement...."  
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Hormonal Treatments for Women With Schizophrenia
Article in the latest Psychiatric Times - "Women with schizophrenia may benefit from hormone replacement therapy. A new study measured the efficacy of estrogen, progesterone, Prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone on women with the disorder.."  
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Hormones for Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Depression
Article in the latest Psychiatric Times - "Estrogen and progesterone are believed to play a role in the regulation of mood and well-being. Several mechanisms have been proposed for this effect, including the hormones' influence on monoamine oxidase (MAO) metabolism. Estrogen inhibits MAO, thereby diminishing the degradation of norepinephrine and serotonin and thus increasing their activity, while progesterone has the reverse impact on MAO (Chakravorty and Halbreich, 1997; Luine and Rhodes, 1983). Allopregnanolone, a metabolite of progesterone, is a potent neuroactive steroid that modulates g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors and may be anxiolytic (Majewska et al., 1986). "  
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IOM Calls for Universal Coverage by 2010
Medscape Medical News story - "The Institute of Medicine (IOM) said today the U.S. must extend health insurance coverage to all Americans by the year 2010, calling incremental steps toward universal health insurance coverage "inadequate." Some 43 million Americans now lack such coverage, according to recent government data, a phenomenon that has spiked by 10% in the past three years. The IOM, an independent, bipartisan entity that makes recommendations on health and scientific policy to the President and Congress, issued its final report on the consequences of the uninsured as the issue is picking up steam in a presidential election year, noted IOM President Harvey Fineberg, MD. .." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free]. See also Insuring America's Health: Principles and Recommendations at the IOM web site, where a report brief is available (in Adobe Acrobat format), as well as a number of related documents.  
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Nation's Health Plans Now Judged on Quality Standards for Treatment of Alcoholism
Press release from Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems (George Washington University), reprinted at Join Together - "A tool that 90% of the nation's health plans already use to assess their performance in treating asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure now includes new measures for how well plans do in treating patients who have been diagnosed with alcoholism and other drug disorders. According to a report released today by Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems, holding plans accountable for timely and effective alcohol treatment should lead to improved service delivery and more informed health care contract negotiations. The new primer, Using Performance Measurement to Improve the Quality of Addiction Treatment, focuses on the inclusion of leading addiction treatment indicators in a popular performance measurement tool called the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) as part of a broader explanation of how both the private and public sectors are using performance measurement to demand greater accountability from health care providers. " See also the primer Using Performance Measurement to Improve the Quality of Addiction Treatment.  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.