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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Link Minds, Like Mine TV ad (WMV format)

We are featuring the second of three TV Ads developed in New Zealand by the Link Minds, Like Mine programme. This highly successful anti discrimination programme has been very effective in presenting to the people of New Zealand how mental health problems affect many of our neighbors and friends. You can see the first of the three ads about Lana on our IIMHL website. It may take sometime to download this file especially if you are not using a DSL line.

daily link  Tuesday, May 25, 2004

NAMI Maine Executive Director Wins National Award
Story at the NAMI web site - "Carol Carothers, executive director of NAMI Maine, who led Maine’s initiative to prevent inappropriate incarceration and improve treatment of people with mental illnesses has been awarded $120,000 and the nation’s highest honor for community health leadership. She is one of 10 outstanding individuals from around the United States chosen to receive a Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Program (CHLP) award."  
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Medscape Journal Scan - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, April 2004
Recent journal articles on the effects of parental substance abuse, treating PTSD, trends in antidepressant use and other topics. [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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Medscape Journal Scan - Psychiatry, April 2004
"Journal Scan is the clinician's guide to the latest clinical research findings in the American Journal of Psychiatry, The Lancet, Archives of General Psychiatry, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, and Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology." "med"  
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Differences in consumer and family caregiver perspectives on mental health services (Australia)
Item in CMHA/Ontario's Mental Health Notes - "Consumers have experienced increased opportunities for participation in both their individual treatment and the broader system, while caregivers say that they are still excluded from participation in their family members’ care, and much less in overall service delivery, according to the results of a qualitative research study published in Issues in Mental Health Nursing..."  
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The Feasibility of a Mental Health Curriculum in Elementary School
Article in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - "Our project assessed the feasibility of incorporating a mental health curriculum at the elementary level to be taught by schoolteachers. We describe the development, delivery, and short-term impact of this pilot project on children’s knowledge and attitudes. We chose a francophone rural community within a predominantly anglophone province because the community has less access to valid mental health information."  
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Family Members & Caregivers Resource Center
A new web site from CMHA/Ontario "to provide practical information specifically for the loved ones of people experiencing mental illness," including questions and answers, newsletters, readings and information on support groups.  
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Generic OxyContin hits streets before stores
CNN story - "The generic form of the powerful painkiller OxyContin already is for sale on the black market in Appalachia, even though it's not yet available in all pharmacies. Dan Smoot, chief detective for an anti-drug task force in eastern Kentucky, said undercover narcotics investigators began purchasing the generic drug from street-level dealers earlier this week. Investigators suspect a shipment of the drug was stolen from a storage building in eastern Kentucky..."  
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Roundtable Examines Strategies to Combat Rising Mental Health Costs in Global Organizations
PR Newswire item - "Multinational industry leaders came together recently to discuss best practices for managing the high costs associated with employee behavioral health and wellness on a global basis. FGI, a leading North American-based provider of international employee and employer support services, hosted an exclusive roundtable discussion that included senior level Benefits and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) leaders from global organizations in the pharmaceutical, chemical, financial and technology sectors, including Microsoft and The Dow Chemical Company. The stage for the discussion was set by examining statistics such as "20% of the world's population suffers from mental health conditions" (WHO & ILO), along with implications for employers that include higher costs in health care, disability, reduced productivity, increased absenteeism and staff turnover."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.