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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Like Minds, Like Mine TV Ad (Video, .WMV file)
The last of three TV Ads developed in New Zealand by the Link Minds, Like Mine programme. This highly successful anti discrimination programme has been very effective in presenting to the people of New Zealand how mental health problems affect many of our neighbors and friends.

daily link  Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Mental health reform plans meet resistance (Texas)
Houston Chronicle story - "Joe Lovelace credits the public mental health system in Texas as the safety net that stabilized his son, Corley, after an eight-year struggle with schizophrenia. But now, as executive director of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Texas, Lovelace is under attack from other mental health advocates for selling lawmakers a business-minded system that runs on less money, demands more and serves fewer. The 'disease management' model, that begins a yearlong statewide rollout Sept. 1 is, in theory, an approach that rations ongoing outpatient care to only the sickest -- those with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe clinical depression. Those with other mental illnesses will receive treatment only in times of crisis. Tax-averse lawmakers like the plan's promise of savings while critics object to cuts to an already starved system..."  
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Striking mental health workers win backing (New Zealand)
Story at Stuff - "Striking mental health workers deserve a pay rise because of overflowing workloads and increasing violence in the workplace, a Hamilton community group working with mentally-ill people says. About 350 central North Island mental health nurses, including about 220 from the Waikato, walked off the job on Friday morning for a planned six-day strike after negotiations between their union – the Public Service Association – and the health boards broke down. .."  
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Mental health court helping kids (Ohio)
Cincinnati Enquirer story on mental health courts, focusing on those in Ohio - " Mental health courts for adults are popping up across the country. Seven counties in Ohio, including Hamilton and Butler, have them. But similar courts in the juvenile system remain rare. Experts say juvenile court might be the first place officials spot a mentally ill child. That's important, they argue, because detecting and treating mental illness early can prevent children from ending up in prison or a mental hospital - saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. The juvenile justice system has become a warehouse for mentally ill children, according to the Coalition for Juvenile Justice in Washington, a federally funded group that studies juvenile justice in an attempt to make it better..."  
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Hope and mental health
Story in the Arizona Republic on the Institute for Mental Health Research, "a non-profit created in 2001 after raising more than $4 million in private and public funds. Housed at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, the institute will focus on child and adolescent mental health, brain disease and injury, schizophrenia and mood disorders. It wants to be a place where scientists can work with psychiatrists and psychologists in developing treatments and getting patients enrolled in clinical trials..." See also the IMHR web site.  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.